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-Third Person-

Error then woke up.

With Ink in his arms. He rolled over, pushed Ink gently aside, as he stood up from the bed. He let out a loud groan as he lifted his arms in the air, stretching. Error then teleported to the kitchen. Cross skipped into the kitchen right behind Error.

"Good morning, Jackass!" He squealed.

"Mornin', Pipsqueak"

Cross let out a 'hmph' noise, rolling his eye-lights.

Error was at the counter, getting two eggs, a pan, oil, salt, and pepper. He turned on the stove and set the pan there, he then turned towards Cross.

"Eggs, yum!" He said, "But uh, why two?"

"Me and Ink."

Cross bursts into laughter, holding his non-existent stomach.

"YOU'RE DELUSIONAL!" He laughed, wiping tears that leaked from his eyes.

Cross thought Error lost his mind, Ink was gone, and no changing that.

Nightmare then teleported besides Cross, wrapping a arm around his waist.

"What's with all the noise?"

Error glared at Cross, then turned around and poured oil into the Pan.

"Error is making Eggs for him and Ink!" He exclaimed .


"Can you two just fucking leave." Error growled.

Nightmare shrugged, and him and Cross disappeared.

Error cracked an egg and put it in the Pan, along with the second one. He shook salt and pepper on them, and sighed out of exhaustion. Ink then teleported on the counter besides him, his wings had healed, and he was swinging his feet, smiling.

"Hey Glitchy!" He said, "What are you doing?"

"Makin' eggs," He smirked, "for me and my beautiful baby~"

Ink huffed, "Whose your baby?"

Error face palmed, Ink got the idea.

"Oooooohhhh!" He giggled.

Error looked down at the pan, counting to cook. Ink looked at Error, and stared. He could see dark bags under his eyes, and little scratches here and there. His eyes looked dull, and his expression was blank. Ink looked down, his wings curling around him, like a hug. He's then let out a deep sigh, as he jumped off the counter and walked into the dining room.

This room was..mostly all black. Like always. There was wood flooring, then solid black walls. The chairs were wood also, but a darker shade. Same goes as the table. Ink looked around a bit more, than sat down on one of the chairs.


Ink snapped his head towards the noise, to see Error standing besides the door frame holding two plates. Ink let out a warm smile, and the other gave a failed smile. He frowned as Error sat his plate in front of him, then he sat down besides him.


Ink took a bite of his egg, then looked up at Error. Who was poking his yolk with his fork, looking down. He swallowed, "Why..? Why what?" He questioned .

"Why'd you leave." Error responded softly.

Ink coughed, dropping his fork. Then gave Error a glare.

"You know why."

"He was acting as if you were his!" Error yelled quiet loudly. "What was I supposed to fucking do? SIT THERE AND WATCH him steal you away from ME?!"

"N-no but-"

"He slapped you Ink!" The angry skeleton exclaimed, "You allowed him to sexually assault you also!"

"He was my friend Error." Ink said calmly, "I still loved him. Like a brother."

"P-please calm down-"
"You think someone controlling you is love?!" He snapped, "HE WAS HARMING THE PERSON I LOVE AND ADORE! "

"That doesn't give you a reason to-"

"No stop." Error stood up, flinging the chair backwards as he did. "You know I have anger issues.. How would you feel to get left alone twice?! You left me twice in my life, with the opportunity to come back. I-... Never mind. "

Error than walked away, leaving Ink feeling guilty. He stood up and cleaned up their plates, he walked into the kitchen and tossed the plates in the sink. He then walked away and sat on the couch. Knowing he hurt Error.. One question he always had in mind is..

'Is loving your supposed to be enemy right? Is our relationship even going to work..?'

-Author :[]

The Inky Angel [Errorink]Where stories live. Discover now