Arc 1.3

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Hmm? Where am I? I remember rampaging and ripping apart that damned dragon. Then I headed to the forbidden forest with Second Sister...

Second Sister!

"Second Sister! Where's my second sister?!"

"Calm Down FengFeng, I'm right here."

"Thank god you're alright! W-what happened, where are we?"

"The Celestial Sect"

"... WHAT?!"

- - - - - - - - - -

A month ago.

"Is he going to be okay?"

The beasts all started to nod. 

"Of course, I am the best medic around! I did everything I could in order to save Lord." the Beastie who saved Zero stated proudly

"Why do you guys call FengFeng Lord?"

"Because Lord has this extremely attractive smell! Ahh... It smells so nice, it makes me want to prostrate myself at lord's feet all the time." replied Beastie #1

"Whenever I see Lord, I want to make babies with him!" said Beastie #2

"I wish I could be his slave for life, it'll even be my honor to die for Lord!" yelled Beastie #3

"...... How come I don't smell anything?"

"Oh, Lord probably subconsciously retracts his aura around you. If he doesn't want someone to be affected he won't release his smell to them."

"Oh, I never knew that FengFeng had this kind of power..?"

"Lord is really amazing, isn't he?"

"I should take FengFeng back to the clan after he's healed."

"It's no use, my friends and I already went to check. Everyone's dead. You two are the last phoenix's alive" responded a winged tiger

"W-what? No way.. What about the dragons?"

"They're all dead as well. I'm not sure if any escaped, but from what I see, the number of fatal casualties are just as high as the phoenix's. Do you guys still want to go back?"

"I-It's fine. As long as I have FengFeng with me, everything's going to be fine. I never had much of a connection with the clan before anyways. They always bullied FengFeng, so the only reason I stayed was to be with him. After all, his mother was the one who took care of me back then.."

"Lord's mother?"

"She was a very kind person, but I could sense that she wasn't a phoenix. Maybe that's why FengFeng was deemed as a lower class being and became the target for bullying. When I was little, my older sister was always better than me, so I was always neglected by mother. It was Lady Liu that took care of me during those times."

"Lady.. Liu? Why does that sound kind of familiar? Ahh! I don't know! Whatever."

"Oh, right! Since we have nowhere to live and obviously can't stay here forever, what is the closest.. I think the humans call them.. sects?"

"Oh! I know, I know! It's the Celestial Sect! You and Lord are very lucky, I heard they're going to be choosing apprentices in two weeks. You two can definitely make it in!"

"Thank you very much, where might the selection process be located?"

"It's in Xiwan Town! I'll lead you there! This forest is directly connected to that town, so it won't take too long!"

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