Chapter 2

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After school Nino and I walked home and started to pack. I was going home for two months, and would be crowned in one month. It is going to be hectic. When we got there Adrien and Alya were there waiting for us with my aunt and uncle. I felt Nino tense beside me.
"Mama, Papa what's going on?" I asked
They gave me wide eyes. Ohh no that's a warring. "Well, Alya and Adrien came in and asked about a conversation in Chinese. Saying something about being a princess and Martin, what are you not telling me or them." mama said
I nodded my head. I walked up to my room gesturing them to follow. When we got up there I had all my photos from five years ago out. There was one of Me and Martin before we were kidnapped, and one with all my friends eating ice cream. Then I have one with me and Nino winning a torment for paintball against cops and other Princes. I smiled and picked up the picture of me and Martin. I sat down on my bed and frowned as the memory came flooding back to me. I glanced up and saw Nino frowning. I walked behind a curtain and changed into a tank-top and short shorts. When I came out, Alya and Adrien gasped.

"Mari how did you get those scares?" Adrien asked in a serious tone.
I shifted from foot to foot. I grabbed my photo and handed it to them.
"That is my twin brother Marin. Before I moved here six years ago, my brother and I were kidnapped." I took a glace at Nino who stood stiff against the wall. "I was separated from him about five months after they took us. They came when we were outside playing in the garden. Martin and I were playing instruments and Nino was videoing us, but then I felt this thing knock me out, before I could do anything Nino was out cold and Martin and I were loaded into a van to god knows where. 8 months later they found me, Nino and the rest of the guards but I was so messed up I didn't even look human. They sent me here the next year, with Nino as my personal bodyguard."
They looked at me then my scares to Nino, then back to me. "What did they do to you?" Alya asked
I looked to Nino, "Can you tell them? I really don't want to relive the painful memories. Will you be ok to tell them?" I said in Japanese
He nodded. "They used saws to cut through her left leg. They had multiple shapes of knives, when I--When I found her, she had blood dripping down her legs and arms, she was danging from the walls....She thought I was the bad guy and tried to fight me off, I don't know everything about it but she refused to open up after that."
I felt the eyes back onto me. I got up and walked to my balcony. I tried to keep everything down, but everything was rising to the suffice for the first time in six years. I locked the door and sat there. I felt tears roll down  my cheeks but I could say anything. There was no scream, no why did it happen? I sat there and cried.


After everything caught up with me, it hit like a ton of bricks. Marinette, the sweet, kind, caring, selfless, brave and beautiful...wait where did that come from. I went up to the balcony and but saw it was locked. When I looked at Nino he was crying, he had a haunted look in his eye.
"Nino why didn't you tell us this?" Alya asked
"Because Marinette is the princess of China, Japan, and the United Kingdom. I am her bodyguard and when I couldn't protect her then, I made sure I would now. She doesn't like talking about it. Everyday after her rescue she would wake up screaming. It took me, James, John, Tessa, Leah and her parents to wake her up. She tried fighting us off, when she woke up she had tears streaming down her face, stiff limbs, and...After everything that happened her parents, the king and queen, sent her here and me to protect her. There has been times were someone would think it's the lost princess and we had to convince her that she wasn't."
"Nino can you come here a second!" Marinette called from above. Nino got up and went to the balcony.

"Alya what do you think of all this?" I asked
"I don't know. Nino, my own boyfriend, was keeping this from me. I am happy they told us, but it still hurts."
"I agree."


The pain, all the memories, the guys coming down the stairs. They beat me, cut me, whiped me, I can't sit there and listen to the story again when I lived it. After I stopped crying, my phone started to ring. I looked at the contacts, Martin.
"Hey sis."
"Geez Mari calm down. I just woke up and mom and dad told me that they sent you and Nino to Paris. How are Aunt Bridgette and Uncle Felix?"
"They are good. I am so happy your safe. You have no idea how happy I am. ohh wait Nino is here I'll call him up here."

I removed the phone and called Nino up here. I was smiling and crying at the same time, when he saw this he ran to me and hugged me.
"Nino Marin is on the phone."


N-Martin, my man. How are you?
BB-I'm good Nino. How is Paris? You are taking care of my sister over there right?
N-Of course. Mari is as stubborn as ever. She even tried to talk to a model she is in love with and was unable to make a sentence.
BB- HAHAHAHA!! You can't what?!?!?!
MA- I am getting better. I am only stuttering now, and not that much.
N-That's true.
BB-Ok, Ok, that made everything fantastic. Hey, Mari, are you still into John?
MA- ummm....Well.....I think so. Last time we talked it was a month ago. I haven't heard from him since.
BB-Well too bad, I am going to get him to talk to you again.
MA-Please don't Leah and Tessa are all over him. James calls regularly, we talk every Tuesday and Saturday.
N-ohh yeah, Leah and Tessa are still trying to get out here to see us.
BB-Well, they wont have to because your coming home. I got word today that you guys were packing to come home.
MA/N- yeah
BB- well, I gotta go. I will see you soon
MA/N- ok buy. we miss you!!
BB- I miss you guys too, buy
Phone call ended

I turned to Nino and smiled. "We're going home. Martin is ok, I get to see mom and dad again. i better start packing." We walked back down to see Alya and Adrein still here.
"Hey guys, you ok?" I asked
"Yeah, still shocked. Why didn't you tell us about these things. We have known you guys for 5 years. Please tell me that your not moving away." Alya asked
I looked at my shoes unable to look at them. "I'm sorry, I have to go. My brother needs me now and I am being crowned in a month then I have to get everything situated and then I will be coming back. I am so sorry." I said as I started to pack my things. I pulled out my tiara and my dress for tomorrow.

I walked to the bathroom and gathered my jewelry and my secret stash of dresses

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I walked to the bathroom and gathered my jewelry and my secret stash of dresses. I payed everything out.
"I need to call the airport and get the jet ready, Nino we are leaving after school tomorrow. Go get packed." I said rushing around my room.
"Marinette let me help please." Nino begged
"No, it's an order, now go pack." I said in a stern voice. His eyes widen and he slowly left. I walked to my vault that was hidden behind a bored and grabbed my gun. I checked the magazine and put it in my bag.
"Mari why do you have a gun?" Crap, I forgot they were still here.
"It's to keep me and my friends."
"How long have you had it?" Alya asked
"since it was 8. I have learned self defense my whole life." I said in a worried tone.
I finished packing and kicked Alya and Adrien out. I changed my cloths and got into bed.

The next day

When I woke up I saw Nino was already here. I got up and changed into my blue dress. (the picture above) I grabbed my bag and was off to school. I walked instead of using the limo, even tho Nino insisted I do. I walked to class ignoring the looks I got from people. When I got there, Mrs. B was there grading papers.
"Mrs. B can I talk to you for a moment?"
"Of course Marinette. What is it?"
"Well, I will be moving to China for two months starting after school today. I was just letting you know that I will be returning afterwards. My brother got sick and is in the hospital so I am going back to be with him. Please don't tell the class until tomorrow."
"Of course. Just make sure you let me know how your brothers doing."
I nodded and walked to my seat. I got lots of compliments about my dress. Only Alya, Adrein and Nino know why.

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