Chapter 3

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When I got off the plane, I was waiting by my bags when I got a text from James.
J- James
M- Marinette

J-I heard you landed?!
M- you heard correctly. How did you know?
J- turn around
When I turned around James, John, Leah and Tessa were there with big goofy smiles on there faces. I jumped into there arms and smiled.
"I missed you guys so much."
"We know. Now there is one more surprise but you will get it tomorrow." James said with a big smile
I simply nodded and grabbed my bags.
"I am not going to the castle unless I have to be. I will be trapped there in a month." I said
They nodded as we headed to the hotel. The hotel had 13 floors, with 100 rooms per floors. It had a big pool and a garden. I got into my room and changed I to pajamas.

In Paris, Adrien
I looked all over the school for Nino and Marinette, nothing. (They don't remember anything that Marinette/Nino told them) I went to class and saw everyone frowning but smiling, like they couldn't make up there minds on an emotion.
"Ok class I have an existing announcement. We are going to China and Japan for the princess coronation of China, Japan, and the Untied Kingdom."
The class was an uproar.
"Yes Alix?"
"Where's Marinette?" Alix asked
"She can't make it. She is sick and will not be coming with us." Mrs. B.
They frowned but smiled again since they will be leaving for China.
"Ok you can leave to go pack, meet back here at 3. Class dismisses."
I was so excited to go to China.

Marinette the next day
I decided to go to the pool today. I love swimming to keep my mind off things. I swam around while Nino stood watch, as always. I swam to the wall and slouch against it with a sigh.
"Come on Princess you gotta cheer up." Nino said
"I know but it's hard. I miss Alya and Adrien, and the whole class." I gave one more sigh before I pushed off the wall to swim around some more. When I came up I locked eyes with someone that should not be here, he had emerald green eyes. No. I turned and saw Alya kissing Nino. I jumped out of the pool knowing who was close behind and raced to my cover up. I just got it in when the class entered the pool.
"MARINETTE!!!" They yelled

 "MARINETTE!!!" They yelled

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"Hey guys

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"Hey guys. What are you doing here?" I asked, worry in my tone.
"We are here for some coronation of a princess of three countries." Alix started
I slowly looked to Nino. He gave a small smirk.
"What the heck!!!! Nino you know I hate surprises. Why didn't you tell me." I said in really fast Japanese.
"Sorry Princess, I was told not to say anything. Especially if I can see you face like that." Nino said as he broke down in laughter. The class looked at them.
"What did they say?"
"I don't know"
"It sounded like it was japanese"
"What, Maritrash can't speak another language"

I looked to Nino for help. He simply shrugged and hugged Alya.
"Well, I learned to speak many languages when I was little. My grandma and my mom taught me." I said
"Wow. Why do you have a cover up on? You look like you were just in the pool." Kim asked
"Um... Well I am done and heading to my room-"
"Your staying here?" Ivan asked
"Yeah. My mom and dad thought it best for me to stay here instead of at their house."
I looked to my right and saw James and Nino holding back there laughter. They could hold it anymore. I thought of them "falling" into the pool, and what do you know, it happened. When they came to the surface they sent me a cold, hard glare and I burst out laughing.
"You guys got it that time." I yelled as I tried to control my laughter.
"Mari, you got my cloths all wet." James complained.
"James, don't be a party pooper." I yelled back
They got out and shared a look. Crap. "Don't do it." They walked over to me. "Don't you dare." They kept walking. "Nonononononono!!!" I yelled as they picked me up and through me into the pool. No, they will see them. When I got out, my cover up was completely see through. I got out and grabbed my towel and walked to my room. I waved my hand and Nino and James were back in the pool.


I completely forgot that Mari would be here. She is the princess after all. When Nino and this James guy threw Mari into the pool, the one thing she tried to keep hidden came out to show the world. When she got out I could see her scares from over here. She grabbed her towel and walked out. Nino and James were thrown into the pool. How did that happen?
"How did Marinette get those scares?" Rose asked
"I don't know, maybe she was in an accident when she lived here?" Adrien reply's trying to cover it up.
We all nodded and got on with the pool party.
I hope Marinette is ok. I saw Nino and James go after her, when they got out of the pool soaked.

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