Chapter 5

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He said he loved me. He said he loved me. Over and over again, it keeps repeating in my head. He left two hours ago and I haven't moved. I was suppose to meet up with Martin at the palace but I didn't move. I felt the precince of someone next to me but I hardly recognized them.
"You know if you didn't want to see me, you should have told me."I blinked for the first time in hours. That voice I haven't heard it in six years. I turned around slowly. His face is exactly how it was then, handsome as ever.
"Please tell me this isn't a dream" I said
He walked over and sat next to me. "Afraid not sister. You look beautiful as ever." Martin stated.
I couldn't take it anymore. Tears leaked out of my eyes before I could stop them. I hugged him, I hugged him so tight I refused to let go.
"Marinette, Nino is looking for you. He wanted to make sure you were ok. Are you ok?" Martin asked
"Yeah, I'm ok. Just a lot on my mind. So how have you been?" He avoided my gaze. I grabbed his hand. "How have you been?"
"Not good Mari. I have these dreams as if I'm still back there. With those men. They broke me, to rebuild me, then brake me again." He was crying now. "I wake up screaming, or fighting one of the nurses. It's so scary. How dose it stop? How will I ever be normal again?" He leaned over and placed his head on my shoulder and continued to cry.
"Martin, it will never get better. You are going to wake up and scream. Your going to have days were you can't get out of bed. Your going to always be looking over your shoulder, you wont know why, but then a memory of pain and screaming will come back to you. You will have these attacks, there panic attacks. You will think the walls are closing in on you. The breath from your lungs will leave you. Soon you wont see a street or a house you were at, you will see the p-p-place they h-hel-held you. You will get through it, with me." I said as I rubbed circles on his back and held his hand.
"Mari, I was so scared after they separated us. I didn't know where you were, I didn't know if you were dead or worse. Mari, I am so happy you are safe."

Flashback Martin

It happened so fast. They come in beat us, whip us, cut us, stab us then leave. I looked over to Mari, she was worse than me. I tried to move but couldn't, the cuts were to big and too deep to move.
"Mari. Mari. Mari look at me" I said
She slowly turned her head towards me. She had cuts up and down her face and arms. I refused to look past that.
"You ok?" She asked. Of course she asks if I'm ok.
"Hurts like heck. I'll live. You?"
"Thanks to my "powers" I heal fast. Probably why they beat me so badly. Mom always called me her little Phoenix. Guess I know why." She said a little harshly
"We're going to get out of this."
"How? Martin, we aren't leaving this place. Just rest." She closed her eyes and didn't wake till the next day. Me on the other hand, couldn't. I am not going to let them break her spirit. When I woke the day after she was gone. I didn't see her the next day either. Where did she go?

End Flashback

Mari got up from her seat and walked over to her bed and sat down. She stared at the floor and didn't look up again. I slowly walked over to her and saw tears streaking her face. I wiped them away as they fell. Till they didn't stop and a haunted look in her eyes replaced the shine that was there. Everything she just explained, completely took over her body.
"Mari, look at me. You need to focus on my voice." I said, trying to reach her. It wasn't taking. She started to hit her head against the wall. What he heck? I rushed out the room.
"NINO!!!" He rushed over to me.
"What is it?"
"Mari, she is hitting her head against the wall. I don't get it. We were talking and then she stopped and walked away. When I followed that happened."
I looked behind him and saw Adrien. "What are you doing here?"
"Later." He said
We rushed back to Maris room to see her in a corner screaming and crying. I haven't seen Mari like this ever. Adrien rushed over to her and grabbed her hand and pulled her into a hug.


I didn't think twice once we got into Maris room. I rushed over to her and pulled her into a hug. She tried to push me off, but I held firm.
"Mari, follow my voice. Listen to me. Don't look around you, close your eyes and breath. Think of things that make you happy. Don't let them control you." I felt her slump into me. I felt arms wrap around my waist, her shoulders shaking non-stop.
"Shh. It's ok. I got you."


Every memory came out on a silver platter. The men walking up to me, them grabbing me and throwing me across the room., the whips cracking as they hit my flesh. Everything was just too real. I felt the pain all over my body, as if it happened yesterday. No. No. No, I got out, I went to Paris. Martin is alive and back with me. Adrien is with me. Nothing was working. I felt someone grab me, I couldn't get away. No. Please No.
"Mari, follow my voice." Adrien? Please don't hurt him. He can't be here.
"Close your eyes." Deep breaths. When I opened my eyes, Adrien was hugging me. I couldn't stop myself, I cried and cried. I pushed myself away from them and went to my room and locked the door. I grabbed my speaker and phone and played some music. The first song was My Immortal by Evanescence (Band Version).

"Come on guys let her be." I said
"But she is hurting. Maybe we should stay." Adrien said
"Dude trust me. I have known Mari my whole life, when we—recovered her, she was distant and unresponsive to any physical and emotional feeling. She would forget that she was safe and start fighting people. She started carrying a gun and took self defense classes. She refused to go to school sometimes. You have to let her work it out."
With that I took them to the pool to relax.

I picked up my phone and texted Kim.
M- Marinette

M- hey can you come to my room?
K- Yeah everything alright?
M- just need to talk.
K- yeah be there soon.
M- don't let Adrien, Nino or Martin see you enter.
K- will do

Within twenty minutes there was a knock my door. I got up and cracked the door, Kim stood there with a sad expression on his face. I let him and locked the door.
"Are you ok Mari?" He asked
"No. Kim all the memories of the pain and the suffering came back and I don't know what to do. You were always there for me in Paris and just can't deal with Nino and Adrien pushing me to talk. Nino got the hint awhile ago, but I can't talk to anyone else. Kim what am I going to do?" Tears rolled down my cheeks. I felt arms wrap around my shoulders.
"Take a deep breath. And calm down... that's it. Now take a drink of water and let's chat."

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