Chapter One

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“Hey sweetie, did you take up your vitamins?” my mom said when I went the counter.

I was debating whether to tell her or not. I was late for school and going to my room will waste my time. I remembered when I lied to her. She made me watch porn, a freaking porn involving two old people. It was so gross. Their slimy sweaty bodies grinding each other and their sagging skin was haunting me even until now! It was horrifying than a horror movie! I cringed when I remembered the scene. I lied and took risk.

“Umm, yeah. Toss me an apple, I’m late for school” I said while trying to devour the cereal.

“You’re brother ate the last apple, how about some sandwich I made?” She said with hope gleaming in her eyes.

Uh-oh. I know that look, it’s “I just made a new kind of sandwich so eat it daughter” look. I don’t want to break my mother’s heart even though it means giving me a stomachache.

“Sure mom! I love your sandwiches!” I lied again. Guiltiness is punching me in the face.

She smiled at me and hurriedly put the sandwich on a paper bag. She handed it to me with a crazy smile pasted on her face. I smiled back at her and took the paper bag. I looked at my watch

“Bloody fudge! I’m late mom! I need to go!” I said while running to the door.

“Take care Fire! And don’t forget to take your vitamins at lunch!” she yelled from the kitchen.

I was running late. My legs are getting weary from running. I’m not the athletic type and it’s truly a struggle for me. I was happy when I finally arrived at school. I was gasping for air and my heart was beating so fast. I was also sweaty and super unattractive in my current state. All the hours preaparing to look pretty is wasted.

“Oh well, look at the bright side Fire. At least you’re not that late for English” I said trying to cheer up  myself. When I entered the room, all eyes on me. I shrugged and walked to my seat.

“YOU! WHY ARE YOU LATE?!” an old man with big glasses asked me in a very calming civilized way. Please note my sarcasm.

“Who? Me?” I asked dumbfounded.  I was acting stupid to make him annoyed. He wasn’t our English teacher. Another substitute teacher I thought. I looked at him.

“Yes why are you five minutes late?” he asked while pointing at me.

All of my classmates were looking at me. My bestfriend Dianne smiled at me and winked. Everybody was expecting me to say something funny at him but I wasn’t in the mood.

“Mister don’t make such a big fuss about it. It’s just five minutes. At least I went inside looking decent. By the way you better zip up your pants, nobody wants to see the tiny weiner you got”

All of my classmates laughed and Mr. Zip was red as tomato while he zipped his pants. He let me seat down but hatred was registered on her face. He continued with the lesson. One hour has passed and the bell rang signalling us to move to our next subject. I took off and Diane followed me.

“ Fire I’m still wondering why you still haven’t gotten a detention from your brave acts. You need to teach me your tricks woman!” she said while pinching my arm.

“ouch! No violence” I said while caressing the part she pinched

She laughed. The dimples on both of her cheeks revealed themselves. Her sea green eyes were full of happiness. Diane was beautiful. She has high cheekbones, pouty red lips and a model like body. She was smart and kind. No wonder lots of boys in our school like her. And I’m glad she’s my bestfriend. The day went great for me. After the boring classes and annoying teachers I decided to go to the library.

I took the novel I bought from the bookstore and started to read. It was a Dan Brown novel, he’s my favourite author. Pair of eyes are scanning my whole being. I felt uneased. Who the hell is staring at me? I hate it when people stare at me. I hate it with a passion. I tried to act calm and decided to leave. When I stood up, I looked at the guy sitting three seats away. Our eyes made contact.

I wept silently in the corner of the classroom. My classmates took the sandwiches my dad made for me. There’s  nothing I can do. I’m just a weak 5 year old girl. I was nothing compared to the meanies who look liked they’ve been given steroid by their parents. My mom always tells me to never fight back and be the better person to walk away. My stomach grumbled, making me cry more.

“Hey, are you okay?”

I looked behind me to see who the person was.

Gray eyes greeted me with worriness. He smiled at me, he has perfect set of teeth which was kinda odd.

“A pretty lady like you shouldn’t cry”, he said as he wipes my tears away.

“What’s your name?”, he asked and offered his hand to help me stand up. I took it.

“Umm, umm, m-m-m-y na-aame is Fire” I said while looking at the ground. He chuckled.

“That’s a lovely name, it suits you”.

I came back to reality when the guy stood up. He walked towards me and flashed a smile. It was the same smile he gave me back when we were kids.

“Hey Fire, I hope you still remember me”, he said.

A smile imddieatley formed. I punched his shoulder. He just chuckled.

“WHAT THE FUDGE MAN?! It’s been a long time”, I shouted.

“Shhhhhh!!! Be quiet!” the librarian said while glaring at me. Normally I would apologize but I was so happy that I ignored her. I immediately grabbed my bestfried and dragged him outside the library. Damn I miss him!

“What happened to you man? It’s been months since I last saw you. How are you?” I said while holding his hand.  He intertwined our fingers. I feel the electricity flowing through my veins and making its way to my heart, making it beat faster.  It was normal for us to hold hands.

“I’m fine Fire. I’m sorry I have been a bit busy lately”, he said and kissed my hand.

“Eww gross! Hahaha “ I said while trying to take my hand away from him. He hugged me.

“I missed you”

“I missed you too” I said and hugged him tight.

I went home with a smile on my face. I was happy to see my bestfriend.

“Hey Fire did you have a fun time at school?” my mom asked me.

She must have noticed the happy vibes surrounding me.

“Yeah mom, I saw my bestrfiend today. I saw Mark!!”

My mom went pale and then she became a bit red. Her eyes are filled with anger. She walked towards me.

“Tell me Fire, you didn’t take your vitamins again?!” mom yelled at me.

Tears started to flow from my eyes. My mom rarely gets angry, it only happens once in a blue moon.

“M—m-o-om, I’m sorry. I’m sorry” I said while sobbing.

“Mark isn’t real okay?! How many times do we need to—

“NO! He’s real! Mark is real! Stop saying that he’s not! You’re a bi—

My mom slapped me before I can finish what I was going to say. I looked at her. Disbelief was written in my face. This was the first time she hit me. I ran to my room and slammed the door. I lay in my bed and continued to cry.

“Shhhh, shhh, stop crying Fire. Mom is just lying” I said comforting myself.

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