THREE- After

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(I just really wanna show off my drawing that I did, I've decided that this is Veronica

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(I just really wanna show off my drawing that I did, I've decided that this is Veronica. The drawing makes absolutely no sense just like my favourite character 💕)

THREE- After

It's always the same question; Should I be doing this? And it's always the same answer; no. Yet, here I am, making my way towards the glaring couple. I don't know why I purposely put myself into these sorts of situations, perhaps it's the rush of adrenaline that it gives me? Knowing that I still have the power to piss off someone whom is known for being one of the most dangerous guys around town.

It's honestly a no, no situation.

Dear god do I love it though. The tantalising grin rests on my face and it is probably slightly lopsided too, can't go expecting a perfect smile when you have had as much alcohol as I have. "Why isn't it my two favourite people!" I exclaim clapping my hands together in mock glee as I finish my walk, a few steps away from the two of them.

"What the fuck are you doing hanging around her kind, Travis?" Seth chooses to ignore me and questions his best friend instead.

Alyce stands by his side, glaring holes into me. She's probably still cut up about the whole gym situation from this morning. What'd she expect though? She fucking spat on me.

Travis shoots him a questioning look before answering. "Because she's nice to me?" He responds more like a question rather than an answer. "Besides, all of her friends ditched her here when she is alone and drunk. I am not going to ignore her and leave her alone in a place like this where anything can happen to her."

"She isn't your problem Travis." Alyce buts in with a frown on her face and arms crossed across her not so flat chest. "You shouldn't be hanging around with the likes of her, she is a bad influence and not to mention; a mean person who ruins anyone who comes into contact with her. She's a disease."

I let my eyebrows raise and scoff in her direction. "I only ruin the people that want to be ruined Alyce." I mockingly say with a falsified sweet tone. "Besides, Travis loves my mean side. Don't you Travis?" I grin in his direction, and does exactly what I want him to do.

He just smiles at me.

"You're sick." Alyce frowns at me, whilst she sits on her boyfriends lap. Seth doesn't say anything, he just keeps glaring at me.

"No shit." I respond sarcastically and all she does is continue to glower at me.

Like that's not something I've ever heard before.

"You should leave." Seth comments, not dropping his gaze upon my amazing self.

"You going to make me big boy?"

His cold stare sends shivers down my spine, and I can confirm that I am talking about the good kind of shivers. I run my tongue over my top teeth, making sure that they can both physically see what I'm doing. He is a nice piece of eye candy, no matter how much of a piece of shit he is.

I like looking at pretty things.

"You better back up!" Alyce shrills and I wince slightly at the height her voice goes. It's fucking disgruntling, I don't think I've ever heard anyone's voice as irritating as hers.

Imagine what she's like in bed. Poor Seth.

"You seriously have the nerve to walk over here, talk shit while eye raping my boyfriend?" Alyce snarls at me, you can practically see the steam leaving her small elf like ears. "Who do you think you are?"

Alyce is now up in my face, even though she is still a full head shorter than I am - and yes, she's wearing heels. She is huffing and puffing, with Seth gripping her arm from doing something stupid.

So instead I do something a little stupid but I honestly just want to freak the girl out. I lean down so that her face is the same level as my own, my icy blue eyes meet her deep blue ones. She lets out a loud gasp as I bring my face closer to hers and lick the tip of her nose.

I bite my bottom lip and move away with a smirk -Kristen Stewart style. "Who said I was trying to get into Seth's pants Alyce." I laugh and she gapes at me. Not knowing if I am being serious or not.

"You look hot." I wink at her and she looks absolutely horrified.

"If you're going to hang out with this skank Travis, you better get her out of my sight." Seth grits through his pearly, pretty white teeth.

I pout at him.

"Ouch Seth!" I cry while clutching at my chest like he just gutter stomped my ass. "Words hurt! I thought we had something special."

"Fuck off."

I snort and let go of my chest before laughing again. This time though, Travis does take hold of my arm and starts to tug me away.

"She isn't a skank." Is all Travis says back to him, before leading me away from the fuming couple.


"You know what! you're already the best friend I have ever had. And that I probably, most likely, indefinitely do not deserve." I admit to him as he clutches my frame to his side. "Am I coming off as clingy on our first friend date? I think I am."

Travis just laughs as we leave the club together. "You're absolutely amazing Veronica, in all honesty you're one of a kind!" He laughs to both himself as well as myself.

"I cannot believe you did that!" He exclaims, he is in a state of disbelief. "Did you see the look on her face! I don't think anyone would have expected someone to do that! And do it so flawlessly."

He looks at me and I look back at him, we both begin to laugh.

"She fucking deserves everything that is coming to her." I say after we finally finish out laughing fit. "She is a complete bitch to you, hiding behind false pretences with a pretty smile and doll like features. I'm fake, but she's even worse than me! And that is saying a lot."

"You're not fake."

We've stopped walking, in all honestly I don't even know where we were walking to. We walking with no real direction, it's just sort of my thing though.

"Yes I am Travis." I smile at him, a real smile. "But it's okay. I know I'll never be real." My mind goes blank and I know my face does as well.

"It's just who I am."


A long awaited chapter!!!  I'm sorry that I've been away, work has been crazy busy with all the Coronavirus shit! I've also decided to get into art as it is extremely therapeutic for me 🤷🏻‍♀️ I've been going a little nutty lately LOL 💕 I've missed you all BUT IM BACK!

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