FIVE - Pretty

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FIVE - Pretty

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FIVE - Pretty

The car is silent, all you can hear is the sound of my breathing and Seth's constant tapping on the steering wheel.

This is just absolutely crazy to me. And in all honesty, my mind really cannot comprehend what the hell is happening right now.

"Where are you taking me?" I question, my voice cracking through the silent car like lightening.

"You have obviously hurt yourself, I'm taking you to the hospital." He responds, not taking the time to even glance in my direction. I gulp and look away from him.

"I'm fine, you can just drop me back off at home." I whisper to him. My hands shaking slightly. I am feeling extremely vulnerable and I don't really know how to handle it. I bite my lip as Seth finally whips his head in my direction.

"You're joking right?" He whips at me. "I saw that limp, you have completely fucked your ankle up. Don't even bother with the 'I'm fine' shit when it's perfectly obvious that you are not."

"What the fuck does it matter Seth! They'll just send me home anyway with a few bandages. Save them the time and just take me home." I yell back, feeling my hackles rise.

I honestly just want to go home and collapse in my damn bed and forget that this night ever even happened.

"You're covered in blood Veronica! And you have the audacity to say you're fine?" Seth screams back at me, just as loud.

I bite my lip as I think of something to say back to that. "The blood isn't all mine." I admit to him, trying to ignore the dark glint in my voice as I say it.

"What do you mean it's not all yours? Whose is it then?" You can hear the shock in his voice.

With that question, I begin to laugh. Still not really coming to terms of the danger that I was in, also not coming to terms that I did what I did. "Let's just say it was a squirrel." I laugh out, shaking my head as tears rush into my eyes. "A big disgusting squirrel."

The car goes silent again as I begin to cry. I'm not talking small tears, I'm talking heart wrenching crying. And I can't stop it. "Oh god." I whisper harshly to myself as I viscously begin to wipe my tears away from my face.

Now I'm just feeling embarrassed for myself. I cannot believe I let myself cry in front of Seth Montgomery! What the fuck is wrong with me?

"Can we please just pretend that you did not hear any of this or see any of this?" I question, my eyes looking at my dirty feet on the soft carpets of his car. "Just drop me off at the hospital and forget that this ever happened."

"What happened Veronica?" Seth asks, completely ignoring what I just said.

I finally look up at him, my blue eyes meeting his green. "It doesn't matter." Is what I respond with, because I will never tell him the truth. I'll never speak of what happened tonight ever again. I want this to fade into a distant memory, one that I will eventually forget about.

I don't want to be like this.

I look away from him to see that we are pulling into our towns local hospital. I unbuckle my seatbelt, quickly open the door and jump out of the jeep. Instantly wincing at the weight placed onto my tender ankle.

"Thank you for the ride Seth. I can look after myself from here." I say to him through the open car door. I watch with a keen eye as he just scoffs in my direction, before going ahead and jumping out of the parked car himself.

He walks around the car to me and I am watching with wide eyes as he literally lifts me up and carries me into the hospital lobby, bridal style.

"What the hell are you doing!" I whisper angrily to him and he just looks down at me with a slight smirk. As to why he is smirking right now? I don't have the faintest idea.

"Shut up Veronica." Is all he says to me and my eyebrows raise and I look up at him in shock.

"What is even happening right now?" I mutter to myself as I force my eyes to look at the lady who is staring at us both from behind the desk.

I can just imagine the thoughts running through her mind right now. Seeing me, all torn up and covered in blood with a very bruised ankle. And him, all clean and bored looking.

What a match we make.

"Uh what has happened here?" The woman finally asks, and I see her I.D badge states that her name is Mandy.

"I fell into a ditch, got scraped up pretty bad and hurt my ankle." I say to her with a straight face. "He thought it would be best to bring me here to see if I have done some real damage to myself. It was a very deep ditch." I finish, gesturing to the mountain that is currently holding me in his arms...Still.

"Okay! Rough night huh? Please take a seat and fill out these forms on the clipboard and we will have the next available doctor to take a look at you." She says with a slight wince as she catches sight of my damaged ankle, I grab the clipboard and Seth takes us over to the seating area and helps me sit on my own.


"So, are you going to explain what the hell you were doing in the middle of no where by yourself?" Seth questions me as I begin to fill out the forms.

"It's not that big of a deal." I reply rolling my eyes slightly. "I do it all the time, I enjoy being by myself."

Seth's whole body tenses up from my words. "What do you mean you do that all the time? Do you know how dangerous that is?" He practically growls at me and I feel my own muscles tense in anger.

"I can handle myself Seth." Is what I reply with.

"The fuck you can! Look at where we are right now Veronica. You cannot handle yourself." He is starting to gain the attention of the people around us.

"Would you shut up!" I bark back at him and his eyes turn into slits as they stare at me. "I'm fucking fine! I've always been fine, and I always will be fine. Don't fucking act like you care. Because we both know that you don't. So do us both a favour, and leave."

He just looks like he is getting angrier, and is not making any sort of move to get up and leave. "I'm not going anywhere." Is all he says and I am once again left gaping at him.

I just- I just don't understand.

I go to respond to him again, probably going to beg him to leave me. Because I don't know how to handle this entire situation, it's just fucking crazy in my mind. I am unable to voice my next thoughts, as I am interrupted by a different angry man.

"You!" A voice shouts and I quickly look over to the new angry voice. My eyes brows practically disappear into my hairline as I take in the man in front of me. His arm is now bandaged up, and he is struggling to stand on his own two feet from all the drugs he has probably had to take to numb the pain from his arm.

"This is the bitch that fucking stabbed me in the arm!" He shouts while pointing in my direction with his good hand.


Sorry guys! Quick chapter here 😁 thought I would be mean and leave it on a cliff hanger lol. What do you think of Seth's weird behaviour? Please leave your thoughts and share a like 👄

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2020 ⏰

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