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Focusing on the negative never serves anybody.
Instead have self awareness which allows positive changes in our attitudes & behaviors & allows us to be honest & straightforward focusing on the positives in all aspects of our lives!
Being in great health is not how you look but how you feel .
View your body as a temple & exercise & feed it good nutrition to help fortify & nourish it!
Stop playing the Blame Game!
When we attempt to camouflage our flaws by blaming others they only get BIGGER!
By blaming others we are avoiding looking honestly at ourselves & our own short comings. Thus shirk responsibilities for action.
Finding your goals takes developing habits
-Soul Searching
Remember: You can develop the habit & you can become the kind of person who is any damn thing you want to be !
Live each day abundantly seeing all there is to see, doing all there is to do.
Don't be distracted by present worries & future concerns.
Leave them to God.
Each day of Life is Glorious, but Live in Confines of Today & enjoy all the Beautiful Moments Life has to Share!
Become aware of people & places around you.
This awareness will not detract you from others, instead it'll increase your ability to give love & encouragement to them!
Needless worry can be silenced by accepting the things we cannot change & by letting it all go & leaving the results up to God!
We owe ourselves privacy for thought, prayer, & meditation. We need to set aside peaceful time away in order to develop our inner resources & strengthen our relationship with God!
"Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny"- C.S. Lewis
If you get tired learn to Rest not Quit!
"Be quick to Listen, Slow to speak, & slow to become angry"-James 1:19
Take time not only to think through what you want to say, but to LISTEN carefully & PAUSE before responding.
You'll be much less likely to become Angry!
Anxiety is the result of envisioning a future without God; & the best defense against anxious thoughts & worry is staying in communication with God.
When you turn your thoughts toward God you can think much more positively!
Remember to Listen as well as you speak, making your thoughts as continuous dialogue with God!
Do not linger in the future because anxieties sprout up like mushrooms when your thoughts wander there. Remember the promise of Gods continuous presence, include him in the imagery that comes to mind.
Many of us are accustomed to being God of our fantasies, however the reality of his presence with us, now & FOREVER, outshines any fantasy we could ever imagine or dream of.
Productivity is not a time management thing, its a Purpose thing!
Know your purpose, as You can't live with intention & Purpose if you don't know how you'll evaluate your life at the end.
Step into a Spirit of service, helping others.
Demonstrate excellence with knowledge 1st, then understanding, followed by application & sharing.
Remembering our Motives & actions speak louder than our words.
Live a Purpose Driven Life!
Step into a Spirit of Service,
Because that is what High Performers DO!
You're Grateful for Life, so you're Generous with others,
Not for Selfish motives, but to live out your intentions to give back to others & make a Global Impact during your time here on this Earth!
PERSEVERANCE is essential as you go about your work; if you start to feel discouraged or grow weary, remind yourself: "I get to do this" vs "I have to do this". Then be thankful for the strength & ability to do what needs to be done. Thankfulness clears your mind & brings you closer to God, whose spirit lives with in you is the "Helper". So when you find yourself perplexed & as you ponder problems & seek solutions, a God to help, he will guide your mind.
"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart—as working for God rather than people" - Colossians 3:23
Refuse to be intimidated when faced with a daunting task.
View challenges as privileges rather than as burdens.
Replace your "I have to" mentality with "I get to" approach.
Transform drudgery into delight.
Change in your viewpoint can help you face challenges joyfully & confidently!
Give up the illusion of being in Control of your Life. It's easy to feel as if you're in charge, especially when things are going smoothly, & one should enjoy & be thankful for these times-but the more you perceive yourself as in control & your own master the harder you'll Fall.
God wants us to enjoy times of calm seas & smooth sailing & be truly thankful for them, but we are not to become addicted to the sense of "mastery over our life" for it is just an illusion.
No one but God knows what tomorrow will Bring & uncertainties loom on the horizon.
Storms WILL come, if you cling to control & feeling entitled to having things go your way, you're likely to sink & drown when difficulties come your way.
God is training to trust in him at all times for he is our refuge.
Use adversity in life to set you free from illusion of being in control.
When circumstances & the uncertainty of the future bring you anxiety turn to God.
Find your security in knowing him, who is truly in control & sovereign over the storms of your life—over everything!
Our past is neither an accident or a mistake.
We have been where we needed to be with the people we needed to be with at that time for a reason. There is a purpose in all things & all of it benefits us. Embrace your history with it's pain, imperfections, mistakes, & even tragedies.
It is uniquely yours & was intended just for you!
Today Let go of guilt & Fear about your Past & Present circumstances. Trust that where you have been & where you are now are where you need to be & right for you!
Expect to encounter some trouble everyday.
God wants up to handle these troubled times calmly & confidently.
Difficulties that surprise you do not surprise him, because he knows everything& is fully available to us—to comfort & guide us through turbulent times.
People's thoughts are unreliable —distorted by their sinfulness, weakness, & insecurities. Even if they praise you to your face, their thoughts about you could be quite different.
Therefore do not be preoccupied with how other people view you, as what they think of you is really "none of your business".
Everything we endure has meaning & purpose. Suffering can build character & prepare you for what others are struggling with. Of course you want to Seek relief from hardships, but do not overlook the blessings hidden in it. Ask God to use the difficulties in your life for his purposes.

OCTOBER 26Draw Closer to God during tough times, seeking his help to grow in maturity, wisdom, & Grace

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Draw Closer to God during tough times, seeking his help to grow in maturity, wisdom, & Grace. This will better help equip you to help others when they endure adversity & hard times. You'll Find you're the MOST effective at comforting those who are enduring trials you've already experienced & been through in life. The empathetic understanding & guidance you provide this person is a true GIFT for both you & the recipient. 
Be of service everyday by Listening PATIENTLY, & compassionately to others.
Being ATTENTIVE is one of the most KINDest things we can do for another person,
as this demonstrates that we're GENUINELY interested in their problems, concerns, & joy!
When many things seem to be going wrong trust God.
When your life feels increasingly out of control Thank God.
Don't fall prey to negativism.
In this world you'll have enough trouble, but don't let trouble become your main focus.
Do not let fear of mistakes immobilize you or make you anxious.
In this life you will make mistakes because you're human with limited knowledge & understanding.
So when faced to make decisions learn as much as you ca, & when the time is right go ahead & decide, even if the outcome is uncertain. Pray for God's will to be done, knowing you made the decision in good faith, & release the results to him!
Pray for a discerning heart to receive WISDOM from God—pray & ask for help & guidance from God in ALL you do!
No body benefits more than us by our willingness to Listen.
When we're open-minded, receptive, & empathetic to others we put ourselves in a position to learn from them. Listening to others takes us out of ourselves & moves us along the path of spiritual growth.
Prayer, especially for another can free us from the bonds of resentment.
Let go & Let God To practice forgiveness.
Pray for the person; ask God to provide "Health, Happiness, & Prosperity" to those you've resented.
Transport the person from the realm of your resentful thoughts back to the realm of the spirit & all forgiving God.

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