Chapter 2

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*(Y/N) POV*

A deep throbbing pain filtered through the black that surrounded you. You felt it coming from the back of your head causing confusion as it took over your senses, why did you head hurt so much?

You couldn't remember much so focused on your surroundings instead. You were lying on something stiff and poorly moulded to your body, on top of you was something also pretty stiff and cardboard like.

You flexed your fingers slightly feeling the rough texture of what felt like some sort of blanket or thin duvet. You gave a groan and your eyes fluttered open, you frowned in pain as bright lights stung your eyes making your pupils shrink in fright.

Once your eyes adjusted, you flicked them around the room trying to figure out where you were without moving your head due to the pain. White walls surrounded you and you could hear the beeping of a machine as well as the dull ache from an IV line in your arm.

A hospital I guess...

You tried to flick your memory back to figure out how you had gotten here to the hospital in the first place. Worry filled your for a moment thinking that... No wait. You were at the aquarium, memories flashed across your mind, the mermaid, your bullies, your fall into the tank. It was all coming back to you.

Sighing you brought your hand back up and placed it to your it to your forehead, feeling bandages you sighed again. Then the door to to your room opened and your head slowly turned in that direction.

"Ahhhh you're awake" a nurse was looking at her clip board.

You just humphed so she continued "you've had one visitor waiting for you to wake up, your vitals look stable so I'll send her in, she seems excited to see you".

Running footsteps could be heard and the nurse sighed just before a spectacled woman barrelled through the open door making you jump in surprise.

"Your not supposed to come in here until I come and get you" the nurse stressed.

"Sorry I was listening from down the hall you said it was ok so I just assumed" the woman adjusted her glasses.

Her gaze turned to you and she did little bounces clearly overly excited to see you. There was silence as the nurse gave the woman a glare of annoyance, the woman however completely ignored it and kept creepily staring at you.

"I'll leave you two, if she tries anything press the little red button" the nurse spoke and then left the two of you alone in the white room.

"Oh your amazing, I'm Hange by the way, it's great to meet the woman who can tame the beast" she grabbed your hand and roughly shook it.

You groaned as your head painfully moved against the sheets "please... stop..." was all you could manage.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you I'm just very excited to meet you" she quickly let go and looked at you still smiling.

"What do you mean, I'm not special just ordinary" you mumbled to you mumbled to her.

"Don't you remember?" Hange's face fell.

"Remember what?" You frowned.

"The merman, silly. Levi, he loves you. He responded to you, no one has ever got that kind of reaction out of him... ever" she smiled.

"I only waved at him" you spoke still confused you were also confused about how they new his name, Levi, it seemed familiar but before you could ask about it Hange spoke.

"Yes but he waved back, don't you understand" Hange said.

"No I really don't, can you explain please" you asked.

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