Chapter 8

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As soon you heard your father's stomps through the kitchen you jumped into action, you grabbed Hange's arm and dragged her over to the bed and shoved her underneath "stay there don't say anything no matter what happens to me"

You also grabbed your bag and shoved it under the bed with Hange to hide her from your farther's piercing gaze. Thundering footsteps came up the stairs just as you jumped away from your bed and stood awkwardly in the middle of the room, you tried to make yourself look less suspicious but you were out of time.

The door opened quickly, not fast enough to slam against the wall but enough to make you jump on the spot. Your farther stood in the door looking at you with a frown, you fidgeted under his gaze.

"There's a car outside" he growled.

"Is there?" Your voice came out shaky and you worried he would see through your lie.

His eyes scanned your room looking for anything out of the ordinary. You tensed when his eyes moved over your bed, you inwardly sighed in relief when they quickly moved away. You tensed again though when he stopped looking around and then began to walk closer to you.

"Give me more money, this isn't enough" he demanded.

You nodded and turned going through all of your now empty draws, you didn't open them very far so that he could see in them and see that you didn't have anything else in your draws. Your heart dropped when you realised that you had no more money.

Slowly you turned back around "Sorry. I have no more money. I'm so sorry".

You watched his frown deepen at your words. He was considering what you said, this could only go bad, you tensed and readied yourself for a punch or a kick.

He delivered a punch, your face was the contact point and you fell to the floor, but still sat up. You tried to look anywhere but your father, knowing that if you made eye contact with him your beating would be ten times worse. That challenging part of you was beaten out of you a long time ago, within the first week of living with him.

He grabbed your scruff and pulled you up to his face so that his spit could spray you "tomorrow you better have double or your going to the basement, and you know what that means."

Just after he had said this Hange must have slipped her arm or something and banged against your suit case as a scraping sound came through the silence as your farther was holding you by the scruff. Out of the corner of your eye you saw your suitcase poking out from under your bed.

Your farther's head turned, he must have seen your case it was hard to miss. He dropped you back to your but and walked over to the suitcase, he pulled it out from under your bed and dumped it in front of you with a bang making you jump at the noise.

"And what exactly is this?" He pointed you it a growled low.

"Just a suitcase, I moved in with it." You murmured.

"And what exactly are you doing with it under your bed and full?" His voice was so low you barely heard it.

"I moved it and am using it for my work stuff while I clean out a draw to put them in" you answered quickly.

You watched as he grabbed the zip on the side of the case and slowly but surely undid it, luckily the last things you had packed were your work clothes so all he could see were the blues and blacks that were your uniform, as long as he didn't go digging through it you wouldn't be punished too badly.

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