Chapter 4

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Hange continued to screech long after Levi had disappeared, your face fell at the loss of contact from the merman. Hange's face fell with yours once she realised that Levi wasn't coming back but she quickly perked up again once she saw your facial expression.

"Ahhhhh, you looooove him" she grabbed your cheeks and squeezed them.

"No. I don't Hange." You said very defensively, and maybe just a little too quickly "I've only just met him" you waved her hands away as Eren came and sat by you. However, Hange obviously noticed this, as she also replied quickly.

"It might not be love but it's something, you clearly miss the contact already" Hange beamed and poked your forehead.

You were about to contradict her but Eren suddenly pulled you into a tight hug "(Y/N) I'm so sorry we couldn't get you away from him, next time we'll get you out faster".

You laughed nervously already feeling Mikasa cold stare "it's fine Eren I have a feeling Levi wouldn't hurt me".

"You don't know that though. He's extremely dangerous. You could have died, easily" his arms tightened around you.

You didn't know what to do but awkwardly sit there and let him hug you. Out of the corner of your eye you saw Mikasa lunge at you, she was fast and there was nothing you could do but let yourself become gripped with fear as she shouted your name and tackle you to the floor, just as a splash was heard from where you were just sat.

Water flew and large drops landed on you all getting you wet. You head turned and your eyes widened, Levi was leaning on the wall, he looked pissed. His eyes were narrowed and the fins where his ears would be stood flared as he puffed his cheeks. You eyes traveled down his muscular body, he was tensed and the fins along his back and for arms were also flared making the colours clear and the glowed dots seemed like they were brighter than before.

A deep growl could be hard and you finally understood why everyone feared him so much, like this, he was terrifying "you see. He's dangerous" Eren shouted.

This only made Levi growl more, like he understood what Eren said. Your heart hammered in your chest and you couldn't tell wether that fear was from the shock of being suddenly tackled by Mikasa or Levi who was growling at you all.

"Oh my god guys are you alright" Armin along with Hange ran over to the three of you with worry.

Your hand and knee started to ache but before you could notify anyone or check the cause of the pain you were being shouted at.

"Do you understand now! Stop treating that thing like some old friend that you haven't seen in a long time. Learn that he is a wild animal and is unpredictable, learn it quickly before someone looses their life" Mikasa came extremely close to you and grabbed you by the shoulders shaking you.

Levi's growling turned into more of a howl that cut through the area, just as Eren pulled Mikasa away from you and began trying to cool her off. You were shaking from shock and you fought tears that were trying to escape your eyes.

You guiltily looked down to your hand and saw that the skin was broken, blood sat on the surface of the wound as your skin raged red, grit and dirt was stuck in and around the wound and you knew that it was going to sting when you cleaned it. You imagined that your knee probably looked the same if not worse.

Continuous clicking could be heard from where Levi was, you looked over to him and saw his curious and slightly worried facial expression, you ignored the arguing going on behind you and instead focused on Levi, the clicks were coming from him as you could see his throat twitch with each one.

He shuffled more in your direction and lifted one of his webbed hands out to you so that he was reaching for you. When that didn't work he huffed and laid down stopping the clicking, and reached both hands out to you making a come here motion.

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