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Eira was depressed.

Knowing that someone she knew was going to die and there was nothing she could do to stop it weighed on her. It's not like she knew when or how it would happen; she just knew that it would. And she didn't have supernatural abilities like super strength or super speed to stop it.

And all of it was reminding her of Damon's death. She had been burying her sadness about it to furthest depths of her mind but it was all being brought back to the surface. She couldn't watch someone she loved die again; she refused.

So she'd stayed away from Scott and Stiles. Stefan kept himself informed of the latest happenings from the two of them as he didn't want any surprises and since he was informed so was she.

Of course, a lot had happened in only a matter of days. Isaac Lahey had been turned into a werewolf by Derek. The boy's father had been murdered by some lizard creature but the boy had been labeled the top suspect since he was abused. It made her sick to her stomach to think of someone abusing their own kid. That fact alone made her want to lock herself up from the world.

The boy had been broken out of jail by Derek and Stiles where a hunter had attempted to kill Isaac. The new teen werewolf was now a fugitive. After that, Derek turned two other teens, Erica and Boyd, into werewolves as well.

Now everyone was trying to get information on this lizard creature because it had killed two other people, a young hunter and a mechanic at an auto repair. Stiles had been present when the mechanic was killed and she was thankful he wasn't hurt. But Stiles had been paralyzed by some type of venom for a short while.

All of this happening in only a matter of days only made her want to stay away even more. But Scott had lessened her resolve. He had come up to her locker after school.

"Hey," Scott greeted her with a soft smile.

"Hey, Scott," she smiled back.

"I've noticed you've been distant lately," Scott commented with a frown. "I know that you didn't move here to deal with all these problems so...I just want you to know that I understand. I would kill not to deal with all of this."

"I'm sorry that you have to," Eira frowned too. "And I'm sorry I'm not being a very good friend."

She looked down in guilt and Scott nudged her gently, making her look up at him again. "I'll forgive you..." he started with small smile before it got bigger, "...if you come to my lacrosse game tonight and cheer the loudest."

She chuckled and smiled. Scott had immediately made her mood better and she nodded, "Okay, I will."

So she went to the lacrosse game, a sport she'd never seen before, with Stefan and she cheered the loudest.


She and Stefan were leaving the game which had been very dramatic. Boyd had joined the team suddenly because too many of their players got injured by Eddie "The Abomination." The werewolf had practically revealed himself as he let his eyes glow gold even though Gerard Argent was watching.

Gerard Argent was the new principal and he scared her. She was convinced that he noticed this slip up and she was convinced that he now knew Scott was a werewolf because the boy had broken his leg, and everyone in the stands thought so, but since he was a werewolf he healed already.

That had marked the end of the game and Scott had been invited to eat dinner at the Argent's. Before Scott left, he had given her a bear hug, "Thanks for being my mascot. You, really, did cheer the loudest."

"I told you," Eira stated breathlessly, hardly able to breath. "Scott, I can't breath."

"Oh, right," Scott let go of her. "Werewolf strength."

Eira smiled at his forgetfulness and Scott smiled back, "I'll see you later, Eira."

"Be careful," Eira frowned.

"I will," he promised as he walked away, swallowing harshly as he met her brother's glare.

Now she was walking back to the car with Stefan and she thought out loud, "I feel bad."

"Staying out of it means I abandon them and I don't like it," Eira continued. "It's horrible; I'm horrible."

"Eira, you're not horrible," Stefan lectured. "Far from it."

Eira took a deep breath before looking towards the school, "I think I saw Stiles go in there. But I don't think he came out."

"I'll be back," Eira stated and Stefan didn't even get time to respond before she was walking towards the school.

Eira entered the dark hallways of the school with only the moonlight to guide her. It was creepy but she continued as she tried to find Stiles. She didn't get very far before Stefan grabbed her arm, startling her, and dragged her back outside, "Stay here. Something's wrong."

"What?" she questioned but she didn't get an answer as Stefan had headed back inside the school.

Stefan had used his vampire hearing and heard the conversation between Derek and Stiles about the threat inside. The reptilian creature was here.

He entered the pool area carefully with his acute hearing tapped into. The two people in the pool both looked towards him and shouted at him but he ignored them. He could hear the gush of air behind him as the creature tried to surprise him but he vamp sped out of the way and behind the creature.

The creature halted in surprise and Stefan pushed it, sending it flying into the air before it landed on the floor and rolled many times. It got its footing back and the creature analyzed Stefan before taking off, breaking through the glass roof as it escaped making some glass shards rain down.

Stefan helped Stiles and an unknown man out of the pool. He assumed it was Derek and he wasn't very impressed with the guy. He was mostly just mad that the man had been in a room with Eira, alone.

"Dude, you saved us from being murdered," Stiles exaggerated.

"So you're the vampire brother?" Derek stated.

"So you're the guy who broke into our house?" Stefan said, his voice full of bitterness because Eira didn't see it that way; she had already labeled Derek as friend and therefore his actions were justifiable.

"Wait, what?" Stiles asked, looking between the two guys. But he didn't get an answer. That conversation wasn't being brought up.

Derek thought Eira wouldn't have told Stefan he was in her room that day. But she hadn't kept that secret and in his mind he was smiling because she was honest. She had no falseness in her and it was something he admired.

Outside of the school, the lizard creature escaped and it was heading in an opposite direction of the parking lot until it smelt a tantalizing scent. And it was very, very sweet. So it changed directions, curious about the scent.

Eira was pacing back and forth in the parking lot next to the car. When she went to turn around again, she came face to face with bright, yellow eyes.

And her scream pierced the air.

AN: so I skipped episodes two and three. I thought Eira needed some depressed moping about Damon time. I also just wanted to get further along into the season. Episodes 9 and 10 are going to be huge for Eira; I'm so siked.

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