Memory Sequence 06

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Bihar, 1530: 

Khifur Miia convenes a meeting of the Indian assassins to discuss their future course of actions. They agree to find the devices before Khusrau and his men do, for they are clearly not suited to use them. Khifur asks Hari to make short work of Farid and retrieve the maps, to which Hari severely disagrees. He makes it clear that the Mughals are unwittingly in the pockets of the very men who will kill them and are also not suited to be trusted with the devices. On the contrary he trusts Farid and believes him destined for greatness. And to out-maneuver Khusrau's men with the Mughal empire's resources, they'll need an empire of their own. Not all agree, but they decide to give Farid a chance. Later, Hari infiltrates the grand birthday of Jalal Khan, the son of the late Bahar Khan. He is discovered by the regent of Bihar, Farid Khan aka "Sher Shah Shuri". Sher is glad to see him and the two start discussing the developments they've made. They unlock the book and discover what the devices are capable of: engines of death, epidemic and disease.

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