🖊 The First Name Part Two 💀

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*Author's note-*
I just wanted to say that I haven't watched the anime or read the manga of Bakuman in a long time so I can't remember how many appearances Moritaka's parents had or what their careers were. Thank you for reading!


Moritaka stared at the open windowsill with wide eyes. What had he just seen? Should he call the police? No, they would think he was crazy, or just pulling a prank to waste their time. He looked down at the open Death Note on the floor and slid to the ground.

It would be a long night for sure.

Moritaka's alarm went off and he slowly got out of bed. He smiled thinking that the night before was all a dream. That is until he bumped into something on the way to the kitchen. He stepped back and wiped his eyes. He almost screamed when he looked up. It was a monster, or so he thought. And with that, the previous night's events came back to him. He fell back and landed with a loud THUD on the ground.

"Y-y-y-you're here?!? Again?!?" Moritaka stuttered as the creature laughed wickedly.

"Yes, I am. Don't you remember me saying that I would be back? I had some... business to take care of." It replied.

Moritaka gulped and stood. He needed answers, who was this thing, what was it? And more importantly why was it here?

"First, I have some questions." He said taking a seat on his bed while glancing at his alarm clock. I'll be late for school, he thought to himself as he crossed his arms.

The creature cleared its throat and laughed, "What sort of questions did you have in mind?"

"First of all, your name." He said matter of factly.

The creature tilted its head and said in a raspy voice, "Ryuk. My name's Ryuk." He laughed again. Moritaka covered his face with his hands. What was he going to do? How could he explain this? He shakily stood up and asked his next question, "Who else has one of these?" His voice shook as he spoke and Ryuk laughed again.

"And why would I tell you? What reason would I have to tell the names of the others with these books? When I'm sure you could figure it out on your own." He tilted his head back with laughter and clutched his sides.

Alright, so you won't tell me who the others are, but I can find out on my own?  Thought Moritaka he nervously scratched his head.

A sudden scream was heard and Moritaka raced to the living room to find his mother staring at the television. She rushed over and pulled Moritaka close. Her eyes were full of tears. He started to ask what was wrong when he looked over to the T.V. He froze in his place. On the screen was a picture of his father with his name below. He quickly tuned in to the news broadcast to hear that a car had crashed on its way to the airport. He sank down onto the couch and sat in shock when he heard the suspect was one of his father's own colleagues, one who he had invited over many times and was considered a close family friend. 

Moritaka then ran to his room and slammed the door shut. Ryuk was waiting for him, but he didn't even flinch as he threw the Death Note onto his desks and flipped it open. He then flipped on his own television to see the name and a photo of the suspect pop up, Hattori Takao. He grabbed a pen and started to write. And then he waited. And waited. A short while later the news anchor, Miyasaki Yasuko, announced an emergency broadcast. 

"It appears that the suspect that was apprehended in the automobile accident mere minutes ago has collapsed due to sudden cardiac arrest. That is all." 

Moritaka stared at the television in pure shock and then started to laugh. Ryuk looked curiously as Moritaka started to walk in a circle around his room. He smirked to himself thinking, Interesting and flew through the open window once more leaving Moritaka alone with his thoughts. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2019 ⏰

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