Mithross, Truth or dare. pt. 1

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Ross' POV

Jess invited us to a sleepover today and i cant wait for it to start. Me and max got here early to help her set up, because she said. Were the responsible ones here. true..? Not sure but now us three are waiting for the rest of the sky media to get here.

{Time skip}

(Maxs POV)

After like an hour of waiting everyones here and we start with the games. "Truth or dare!" Jess says happily
"NO!" Me, red, barney, and ross say at the same time "to bad were playing it and adams starting!" She says claping her hands together. "Ugh fine whatever" i say quietly "so...adam! Truth or dare?" Jess says looking at him "uhm...i dont trust you that much so...truth..." he says {dont kill me} "okay is it true that you have a crush on someone here? And if you do who is it."
She says and adam turns bright red "uhm..ueah i do..and its.." he points at jin who smiles brightly at him..i guess he already knew..

"Okay! Max. Truth or dare?" Adam says giggling "dare. Im not a wimp" i say confidently "i dare you to kiss ross." He says smiling at me a little bit...Shit...i should have not said dare...

{Ross' P.O.V.}

He really had to say dare didnt he...i think as my face is red..."Oh yeah...On the lips!" Adam says giggling one more....Oh Fuck. Max moves closer to me and stops right infront of me. His breath is warm....then he kissed me. I kissed back.

{Okay make out sesion here pretty much lol}

He licked my bottom lip for entrance. I let him in and he slips his tongue in.

Back to Max's P.O.V

As i slipped my tongue in his mouth i heard a click...must be jess..oh well...i explored his whole mouth and then we fought for dominance. I won of course. {End of make out sesion}

As we pulled away i heard something i thought i would never hear.."i love you ginger..." ross says "also your a good kisser." He says and then he sat up while jess was passed out and everyone was laughing at her. I got next to Ross and i say "i love you too sloth" while smirking "Im not a sloth!" He says slapping my arm playfully "okay, okay, Squirrel" i say laughing a bit "get it right or i take back my i love you." He says sighing and booping me on my nose "okay okay Narwhal!" I say "there. Thats better." He says giggling and messing up my hair.


Thats all for now. Lol i wanna read some fanfictions rn so imma make this like a 2 part or 3 part, not sure. But

Scarscar out!

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