In the middle of the night

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Taylor woke up from a surreal dream that made her think back to a much happier place when she was dating Calvin. She rubbed her tired eyes, not even thinking twice about were she ended up, after last night. Everything was a blur. Her heart was beating fast from the vivid flash backs of a love that was really something that she thought would last forever. One that would prove to the world that she could lock a man down. Nothing went according to the plans they had made. A circle of 'what if' scenario rewind in her head, like a sad romantic comedy movie. She felt the tears trickling down her face, once more.  Joe woke up from the soft crying noises. He found her hunched over, obviously crying, but trying really hard to play it cool, and act like everything was okay. It was nothing more than a bad dream. 

He saw right through her. He walked over to the couch, sat next to her, in case if she wanted to have a long conversation about it. He wouldn't force her to talk. She was surprised by the male sitting next to her. Was it Calvin?. She didn't know what to do or what to say. She would tell him that she wants to work there problems out, and get back together. In the back of her mind she knew that was a bad idea. 

"Taylor, why, are you crying?." soft whispers filled her ears. 

"I thought you were someone I knew. It was nothing more than a dream."

"what was the dream about?." 

She didn't want to talk about the dream. Everything felt so real. She shook her head, not once, but twice, pinched herself, to snap back to reality. Joe touched her hand, and looked into her eyes. 

"It was about my ex. I saw him at the place we're we met and everything was perfect. I didn't want to wake up from the dream I was seeing. Then he was nothing more than a ghost that's haunting me at night. When I could have said something, I was silent like the stars in the sky. He disappeared and I was alone."

Joe placed a blanket around her, trying his best to sooth her. He hid his own tears from the sadness of the dream she just had. She was glad that this man was here with her. She needed someone else to talk to. Someone who can help her clear the air. Someone who would listen to every word she said. He pushed a strain of curly blonde hair out of her face, just listened. 

"Your okay, Taylor. It was just a dream." 

"I thought you were Calvin." 

"I am not." 

"I am Joe, remember?." 

How could she forget who he is. He saved her butt when she cried like a baby coming home from the bar. He snuck her out of the back, drove her home to his small place. It felt cozy, and safe. She tilts her head, rest it on his shoulders. 

"Im sorry for being such a mess." 

"Its okay. We all have our good and bad days." 

"Can you stay here, until I fall asleep." 


Taylor ended up talking the rest of the night. She shared old childhood stories from her past with Joe. She could not sleep, her body is wide awake. She liked reliving some good memories, to out weigh the bad ones. He opened up more about his life, and talked about his days at uni. 

In the death of her reputationWhere stories live. Discover now