Your so gorgeous

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Later that night Taylor had stalked Joe on the internet. She knew more about him just by reading his tweets and looking at the pictures he posted on Instagram. His face and body must have been sculpted by hand because he was beautiful. It was like an Egyptian carved out one of the most seven wonders of the world. She could not stop staring at his posts. His indigo eyes took her breathe away. She stayed in bed knowing darn well that she should turn her computer off, start writing more lyrics to a song shes been working on. Her brain is distracted by this man she just met. How could he have so much power over her?. What she loved most was that he treated her like an average person who was just spending the night in the sofa. He didnt freak out when he discovered that she was Taylor swift. She didnt expect him to stay up half the night, after she woke up him from a nightmare, and tuck her back to bed. Most guys would have gotten mad for being woken up at that unholy of an hour. She should have thanked him for his generosity, and his hospitality, maybe that was to much. She doesn't have his address to send him flowers, or a card.  

She paced the bedroom floor like a ghost who was floating in midair. She needed to get over him, and focus on her upcoming album. He was stuck in her head like a bad melody. She heard the chords fill the blank pages. Would he even remember that night?. Did he forget what happened the morning after?. She didnt want to find out.  She pulled out her notebook, started writing a song called "Gorgeous." 

The lyrics filled the pages in less than five hours. She went downstairs to sit at the piano, start coming up with a melody when her phone rang. She ignored the call, but it went off a second time. She saw the name pop up on her lock screen, and it was Joe!. She tossed the phone on the floor, in disbelief. She knew that it would be rude not to answer the call. She accepted the call, pushed the speaker button. 

Whisky on ice, Sunset and Vine
You've ruined my life, by not being mineYou're so gorgeous
I can't say anything to your face
'Cause look at your face
And I'm so furious
At you for making me feel this way
But, what can I say?
You're gorgeous. 

She started singing some of the song into the microphone while Joe was waiting on the other line. He was memorized by her voice, once more. She could steal his soul and sell it to the devil, he could die a happy man. He wondered if she knew that he was still on the phone as she recorded this song.

 You should take it as a compliment

That I'm talking to everyone here but you (but you, but you)
And you should think about the consequence
Of you touching my hand in the darkened room (dark room, dark room)
If you've got a girlfriend, I'm jealous of her
But if you're single that's honestly worse
'Cause you're so gorgeous it actually hurts
(Honey, it hurts)Ocean blue eyes looking in mine
I feel like I might sink and drown and die. 

Joe cleared his throat to get her attention but she was long gone. She was lost in the melody that she was singing. It gave her an excuse to not hear him talk. His accent alone was enough to kill her. 

You're so gorgeous
I can't say anything to your face (to your face)
'Cause look at your face (look at your face)
And I'm so furious
At you for making me feel this way
But what can I say?
You're gorgeous. 

That was all she had done. She stopped at the second chorus and realized that she had put him on hold for 25 minutes. 

"Taylor, Taylor!." Joe shouts into the speaker.

"Yeah, I am here." 

She could feel her hands getting all clammy, as her heartbeats to the sound of a different drum. She was not the type of girl who got nervous around boys. They barley knew that she existed, she was a nervous wreck. He stayed silent which was not a good sign but he was so impressed by her talent that he didnt know what to say. He liked everything about this song. He appreciated the fact that she took time out of her night to call him, play it on the tiny speaker phone before recording it, sharing there love story with the rest of the world.

He would never want to pressure he into having a song being featured on an album without her consent. He was aware of the past men who used her name for an extra five minutes of fame to boost there own career. He smiled into the phone, mustered up the courage to speak. 

"I love the song babe. Its one of my personal favorites." 

Taylor giggled into the speaker phone, Joe could not help but smirk. He loved hearing her angelic laugh. It was one of those rare moments when the world was quite. She could just let her hair come down, flop on her shoulders. It reminded him of the hours they spent barefoot in the kitchen, just sharing stories about there childhood, and college days. He loved listening to her talk. Once he got over the shock of "Its Taylor swift." 

"Glad you approve of my masterpiece babe." 

"Every song you write is a work of art. You may as well be schooled by William Shakespeare." He teased in a flirtatious manor. 

"I did read lots of Shakespeare sonnets back in the day." 

Taylor wrote down the rest of the lyrics in her journal as she talked with Joe at the same time. She didnt want to forget the words that echoed in her mind. she was impressed by his own input. some may say that she is crazy, boy obsessed when this song comes out. She is in love with this man. She didnt need to say that out loud, because he already knew. He was her best friend, and boyfriend all wrapped into one big Christmas present.

her deepest fear was wondering how much time they would have to keep this love a secret. It was a ticking time bomb that was ready to explode when the clock reached zero. She didnt want to lose this love she found. When the spell broke, everything will return back to the way it was. The magic might disappear. Reality will set in, hover over them. These are the final hours that she will hold onto forever.

"Tay, I have to get up early for work in the morning, you should get some sleep." Joe whispered into the phone. 

"Good night Joe." 

"Sweet dreams Tay." 


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