Chapter 3

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      A/n As you guys can tell I love chaging the P.o.v because I feel like it would be better to see everyones p.o.v of everything Ya know?  

  Y/n's p.o.v

As I walked home away from the boring school i realized that if i go home I would need a actual reason to be home but I couldn't think of an actual excuse that didn't sound stupid. I could blame Carl or I could tell the truth but I know if I did that I would get beat badly which would be terrible because I can't make an excuse about a bunch of bruises on my body and face. It just wouldnt happen.

Carl's p.o.v
I figured it out. I'm going through my gay stage or thats what I keep telling myself. I don't really think this is a "phase" the only reason I say this is because I wouldn't have had that dream the way it was would I? This is all just messed up. I don't know why I had a dream like that. Which to be honest, was fucked up. Isn't it when you go to sleep and the thing you are last thinking about, you dream about??? I wasn't thinking about Y/n though. Maybe i was in the back of my mind... Well whatever i need to get ready to go get Dom.

Y/N's p.o.v
Debby and I walked with each other, smiling and laughing. She knew I was gay and wanted to hang out more. She calls me her gay bestie which I agree with. I love being her bestie, plus she actually likes me. She isn't like Carl either. Carl's very very mean to me. Hes just a big bully and I can't do anything about it. "Whatcha thinkin about loves?" Debby questioned looking at me with a smile. "Im thinking of Carl and how mean he is to me." I spoke, my voice cracking. She gave me a sympathetic look, "Im sorry Y/n, i wish i could do something to help you but Carl is an asshole to everyone." She said looking at me with a small sad smile. "Don't say a curse word and maybe Carl is going through his meanie phase!" I said, glaring at the ground. I wish I could change the fact that Carl is the way he is. Debby and I kept walking around Wal-Mart, trying to grab chips on the top shelf.  A hand went up and grabbed it for me. I looked up at a mixed boy. He was really cute but you know, all the cute boys are straight. He gave me a smile as he handed me the chips. "Hey cutie." He spoke and i almost died! His voice was so deep and hot. "Hi." I said quietly, looking back up at him. "My names Colby. Whats yours shorty?" He questioned. "My names Y/n!. I said happily. Debby just gave me a knowing look, smirking knowing what was going to happen. "Can i get your number or nah?" Colby said with a smal smile. I just smiled and grabbed his phone out od his hand. After i put my number in his phone he texted me, making sure i Didn't give him the wrong number.

Xxx-xxx-xxxx: Aye shorty

He looked up at me and I smiled at him with that cute smile i have. I changed his name to Colbs and he changed mine to Shorty which honestly I dont really mind! He walked off smirking. Debby and I both looked at each other and burst out laughing.  It was funny but I'm glad a boy finally wants to actually talk to me and not be a jerk *cough cough* Carl *cough cough*. Debbyand I went to pay for all the candy and unhealthy things we grabbed. We both just walked out and she glared in a certain direction. I looled over and saw a random guy and girl, hugging each other. "Thats my ex and ex best friend!" She said, glaring harder in their direction. I feel bad for them because with all the glaring Debby is doing, she's going to burn a hole in them. We both started to walk home. She walked me home, smiling. "Have a goodnight loves, by the way im going to tell my family you have a date!" Debby spoke up. "Okkkkkkkk!" I said walking in my house

Debby's p.o.v
I ran home, excited to tell them about how Y/n finally got a date. I called everyone to the living room. Dom and a few of her and Carl's friends was here. I squealed loudly. "Y/N'S GONNA GET A BOYFRIENDDDDDDDD AND HE FINE TOO!" i screamed and Fiona burst out laughing.  "Is that your friend you was with today?" She questioned. I just nodded, "The guy asked for his number and everything and im just really excited!" I said, i watched as Carl just shook his head, glaring at the ground. What did the ground do to him??? I just looked at Lip and Karen. Karen was smiling." I wanna meet your friend." She spoke but Lip quickly shook his head. "Lip calm down, hes gay, fully gay." I said,  Lip relaxed, " That makes me feel better. You can hang out with him all you want to baby." Karen gave him a look, "Either way I was going to." She said laughing. Lip just smiled, shaking his head. Dom looked up at Carl, "I don't want you hanging around that faggot!" She said. I couldnt help it and I went off, completely off on her. "YOU STUPID BITCH, DONT CALL MY BEST FRIEND A FAGGOT CAUSE HONEY BOO HE AINT A FAGGOT LIKE YO BITCH ASS!" I screamed as Karen ran up to grab me. Carl laughed and kissed Dom in front of me acting like I really cared. "Carl why are you still kissing that crusty hoe???" I questioned with tears in my eyes, knowing i probably just lost my brother to a fucking whore. I ran out of the house but Carl followed me. "Debby!" Cark spoke. "What?" I asked, glaring at him.  "Im sorry but i really like Dom." Carl said looking at me with a small smile. "Thats fine but still..." i said, crying. Carl just hugged me.

Guys i have writers block...
I won't update unless i have more than 1000 words!!!
Word count:1084
Lots of love

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