Carl's p.o.v
I just realzied how fucking dumb my relationship with Dom is. I just found out she has gonorrhea. She told me she caught it from a toilet seat. I was sitting in the living room with Debby, Y/n, Karen, Lip, Ian, and Mickey. I looked up at them, "Hey guys Dom said she caught gonorrhea from a toilet seat and I don't know what to do." I said looking at everyone. Mickey just gave me a look and burst out laughing. "You don't catch gonorrhea from a toilet seat bro. You have to have sex with someone to catch it. You might wanna go get checked bro." Mickey spoke, looking at me. Ian mumbled "Mickey leave him alone because first I know he doesnt have gonorrhea and second he hasnt done anything to you so please leave him alone Micks." Mickey gave Ian one of his famous glares. Ian didn't back down though. Mickey just stood up and threw Ian over his shoulder. "MICKEY PUT ME DOWN RIGHT NOW!!!" Ian was screaming at Mickey but he really didn't pay attention. "OH IMMA SLAP DAT BOI!" Debby said and Y/n burst out laughing. "Girl you should've done slapped him before!" Y/n spoke up, looking at Debby with a look that said "Imma die in a minute! Please stop making jokes!" But Debby really didnt care and kept making jokes about the stupidest things ever. Y/n kept on laughing and damn did his laugh never get annyoing. Lip and Karen was being quiet and I think they was debating if they like Y/n or not which Karen will and Lip will because first they are nice people and second Y/n is an easy person to be around. He is chill, fun, and overall a nice person. It's like he can't do anything wrong at all and I know he probably doesn't but I'm sure i would never see anything he does as wrong. I know for a fact that he thinks everything I do is wrong and i mean everything I do IS wrong even if I'm doing it to try and make more money for my family. Damn now that i think about it, being a drug dealer is wrong. I would never tell Y/n or anyone for that matter that im a damn drug dealer. Fiona believes that I found a good job that pays good money to a fucking 16 year old. Which lets be honest no one would pay a 16 year old good money to fucking work at some lame ass Walmart or some shit. I don't understand why Frank gotta be such a fucking drunk who don't do shit around our house. Poor little Liam don't even belong to him and has to deal with his broke ass but I would rahter Liam be here then be with his mother who GAVE him to Frank. Which speaking of Frank where the fuck is he? "Wheres Frank?" I asked looking at Lip. "Has dating my mother!" Karen said looking disgusted. "Oh my fucking God." Debby groaned, then she stood up. "Hey guys please don't judge me..." She said looking down. "You can do it Debby. Go on, tell them!" Y/n spoke trying to comfort Debby but it didn't seem like it was working very well. "I'm pregnant!" Debby said as she started sobbing. "WHAT THE FUCK?" I screamed, then i looked at Y/n. "DID YOU GET MY SISTER PREGNANT??? I THOUGHT YOU WAS GAY!" I screamed. "I AM GAY! WHY WOULD I GET HER PREGNANT???? SHE'S MY BEST FRIEND!!!" He screamed back at me. Mickey and Ian came back down stairs. "Your pregnant?" Mickey asked Debby with a small smile. " Yes i am!" She said quietly. "I will try and help you out with the lil thing." Mickey said and Ian just smiled, in guessing from how his boyfriend likes his family. Well at least the baby is gonna be taken care of. Y/n was just standing there awkwardly smiling. "Y/n." I said loud enough for him to hear me. Debby gave me a glare and whispered something to Y/n but he just shook his head as he started to walk over to me. I smiled, knowing i could talk to him about his little boyfriend.Y/n's p.o.v
Carl and I walked outside. Carl turned towards me, "Do you have a boyfriend?" He questions, i burst out laughing. "Why do you care?" I asked, still laughing. "I don't care nut your best friends with my sister and the way she talks about your little boyfriend interests me." Carl spoke, giving me a look that said "Why the heck are you being so complicated?" Which he just needs to ask me. It would be interesting if that conversation did come up. I think its a little bit funny how he is the way he is. He just always seems chill and seems like he doesnt care about anything but then he ask random questions like this and makes it seem like he cares then he says he dont. He has a period i swear... "Y/n." I heard my name and looked up at Carl. He just looked down at me and rose his hand. I thought he was going to gently rub my cheek but nope. He slapped me down. I fell to the ground and started crying. It hurt so bad. I got up and ran away. I texted BrittneyY/n😩: CARL HIT ME!!!😭😕
Brittney😝: i will fight him boo and like why the hell would that fuck nugget hit you???😲😞
Y/n😩: I don't know but i know he called my name then slapped me doen as hard as he could. It hurts really bad Brit.😟😢
Brittney😝: i will kill that motherfucker if je dares to put his crusty ass hands on you again babes❤❤❤
Y/n😩: Thats not going to change the fact that he hit me... i just looked on my camera and theres a bruise starting to form. It hurts so bad Brit💔
Y/n😩: 😂 love you babe💙
Brittney😝: Love you to bae💚
Hiya guyssss
I might not update for a while because I dont have internet but I will write the chapters while i dont have internet and then update when i get internet!!!!
Y'all are amazing and beautiful and perfect!
Word count:1114
Lots of love

Give It Time ~ Carl Gallagher × Male! Reader
Romansa"YOU SELL DRUGS?!?!?" Y/n screamed at me, glaring. "Naw I sell candy." I spoke sarcastically and calmly. Y/n let tears fall down his cheeks. "Why Carl?" He questioned. If you dont like this story please do not leave hate comments... Enjoy!!!!! So g...