Phoenix's Curse

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He stared up at the clock expectantly, his eyes portraying a silent plea as the second hand ticked towards the twelve with the minute hand dragging behind it. The blond pushed a trembling hand through his hair while his eyes remained glued to the ever moving hands of the clock. A deep voice rumbled suddenly from behind him, causing him to jump from his seat in surprise. He whirled around, his wide brown eyes meeting kind brown eyes.

"You know that won't make time go any faster, right?" A deep chuckle answered his bewildered expression as he stared at the white-blond stranger. "No need to look so surprised. Surely you've heard of the saying, a watched pot never boils?"

He blinked and took an uncertain step back from the stranger, his eyes falling into the mysterious deep brown orbs across from him. Despite his lack of a response, the stranger spoke again, his deep voice lilting playfully. "Do you really not remember me, Jisung?" The lithe boy paused, pouting contemplatively. "Although, I guess it has been a few years since you last saw me, and my hair is quite different to what it used to be," Jisung inhaled slowly, the air whistling over his teeth quietly.

"Felix?" The boy broke into a grin, his white teeth gleaming with the warm sunlight streaming in through the curtainless windows.

"It's been a while, Sungie. I've missed you," Jisung leapt at the boy, slipping his arms around Felix's torso and holding him tightly, his body shakingly and heaving as sobs wracked his bones mercilessly.

"Lixie! I don't know what to do," he sobbed, the words choking out of his throat. The snow haired boy embraced his friend as tightly as he could without hurting him as words continued to cascade past the sandy blond's quivering lips. "Chan hyung hasn't come home. I think it's all my fault. But he isn't responding to me at all and, and, a-and, and-" Jisung began to gasp as he struggled to breath, his anxiety pressing a tight hand against his throat, crushing his airways.

"Hey, hey, Sungie. Look at me," he lifted the panicking boy's head by slipping a finger under his chin. "Breathe," he orderes calmly, his eyes almost glowing golden as they reflected in the afternoon light.

It took a few mintues of following Felix's exaggerated calm breathing examples before Jisung felt the pressure disappear from his throat. He hugged Felix tighter as a fresh wave of tears threatened to crash against his cheeks and wash away his previous tears in a massive, unstoppable tidal wave, but before even a single drop could escape, Felix pressed his lips gently under each eye.

"It's okay, Jisung. Let's not worry about that for now. Let's go lie down for a while, hmm? What do you think about that?" The white-blond pulled away from Jisung slightly, only enough to look into the slightly older boy's eyes searchingly. Jisung nodded numbly, unable to speak as words refused to make their way past his tightly closed lips. "When was that last time you slept?"

Jisung's gaze flickered away from Felix for the first time since he had arrived. The dark brown eyed boy tensed. "Sungie?" His tone held a higher, fearful pitch to it.

"I don't remember," Jisung admitted as he met his friend's concerned gaze. "I don't remember anything."

As the clock ticked over,
The scene faded.
A never ending loop,
The curse of the phoenix.

            Seconds tick by,
                As the scene resets,
                  Versions of different scenarios,
                 Erased and repeated,
                     Murdering Jisung's soul,
                  Eternally repeating,
Phoenix's Curse.

There is no escape,
A cycle never ceasing,
To heal is to die.

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