Chapter One

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When you feel it's hopeless, When you think that you lost...

Jisung snuggled further into the warm, comforting embrace of his bed with a content sigh, his eyelashes grazing his cheeks, fluttering gently as he blinked his eyes open slowly. A small smile graced his lips as thoughts about Minho flooded his mind. The image of the beautiful boy with black hair, lightly sunkissed skin, and a dark intense gaze was imprinted into his mind's eye like a tattoo, something he could never forget about or get rid of. And yet, it made him smile. The thought of the boy he had chanced to meet, was like a shot of euphoria and made him feel giddy. Especially considering the boy had chosen to give him attention. Out of everyone at that party, he had chosen Jisung. Little butterflies of happiness fluttered joyously in his stomach.

Jisung rolled over, fully expecting to see the boy asleep beside him, but he was met with an empty, cold space. The happiness evaporated quicker than water in a desert. He stared blankly at the place where Minho should be. A strange sadness tugged at his chest. Minho had left him at somepoint during the night.

Jisung didn't know how he knew that Minho was definitely no longer in the house, but as he sat up, a bright neon pink sticky note caught his attention, confirming that the boy had left. The note was stuck to the back of the door, like a small brightly coloured bandaid haphazardly placed over a large wound in a vain attempt to cover it. Jisung swung his legs over the edge of his bed, throwing his covers off at the same time, before standing. He allowed himself to stretch, his arms reaching over his head as if he were trying to touch the ceiling. With a heavy sigh, Jisung stepped towards the door. His hand reached for the sticky note, his fingers grazing the door lightly as they curled around the edge of the paper and pulled it off of the white door.

His eyes lingered over the scratched scrawl that somehow managed to be rough and delicate at the same time. It suited Minho. A rough and scratchy but soft and delicate style of writing seemed to be a perfect match for the dark haired boy.

Sorry Jisung.
I have a shift at work pretty early this morning. A friend called in sick and asked me to take over. I promise I'm not usually like this.
And I'm sorry that I'm leaving a note, but I didn't want to wake you. You're cute when you sleep
- Minho

A happy smile tugged the corners of his lips upwards. Minho said he was cute. Jisung moved towards his bed swiftly and pressed the sticky note to the frame of his bed. With a smile still lingering on his face, he left his room.

Jisung walked around quietly, hoping not to disturb his housemate. Chan hadn't been home when Jisung and Minho got back, but Jisung was sure that his Australian friend would be in bed now. He slipped into the kitchen as silently as possible and began to make himself and Chan some breakfast after glancing at the time.

Despite Chan continuously being awake until all hours in the morning, the blond boy was always up by 7am for some weird reason. Jisung had tried to convince Chan to sleep in, but he had always shaken his head and simply said he couldn't. It didn't make sense to Jisung, but he was used to it now and somewhat selfishly appreciated it. He loved always having Chan around from the moment he woke up. Chan would usually be the one making breakfast for the both of them as Jisung was generally the opposite of an early riser, however, it seemed it was Jisung's turn to return the favour.

He grinned as he thought about how pleasantly surprised Chan would be to wake up to breakfast already done. Jisung continued to put together a meal, opting for pancakes as they were his and Chan's favourite. He hummed softly to himself, lost in thought as he stared at the batter in the pan, watching for the telltale signs that he could flip the pancake.

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