The District 1 Reapings

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Olivia Osborne's POV

Oh my! Oh my! My first year of being the capitol updater and its on the millennium of the Annual Hunger Games! I mustn't mess this up, if i mess this up i am dead, literally! President Jarvis will have me executed if i utter one word against our Country and Capitol. I have to keep calm and not panic.

"Cameras Rolling In 2 Minutes!" I hear my cameraman Joesph yell from the main podium. I quickly compose myself, and let my prep team apply the finishing touches of my make up to hide my excitement and anxiety of being shown live to every citizen in Panem.

"1 minute until showtime" Joesph calls again, I take a deep breath and whisk away my prep team so I can take my place on the podium.

I see out the corner of my eye Joesph going "3, 2, 1" with his fingers, I take a final breath and start to introduce the New Year with a BANG!

Perri Palm POV

Wow, The first New Years Day reaping, and its my last chance to go into the games ever! Unless another event like this with adults going into the games happens in my lifetime. I guess i could say its my last chance to win the games as the adults in this games cant win, they either have to kill children in the district games or be killed in either the district games or the Ultimate Games. I guess i should be worried about going into the games, but really I'm super excited about going in. I've been training hard to win since i was just 8 years old-that's 10 solid years training for the games. I'm going to volunteer if i'm not chosen by the final girl and it isn't another 18 year old that's been training most of their lives for it. I wonder what our arena will be like...

While stood in the 18year old section of our massive square I heard a whiny 12 year old complaining to their parents about the unfairness of all of this. If i'm to be completely honest i hope she's in the arena just so I can shut her up about this all. I used to have the same worry when i wasn't as good as am i now, but if her parents cared for her then she would of already been training for the games for a third of her life. A third! That's loads of time and she should be more then ready, unless of course she gets into Ultimate Games (which i doubt) and she has to battle with District 2, 4 and occasionally 7's extremely prepared tributes who have also been training for a large proportion of their lives.

Olivia is now stood on out on the podium along with our escort Velvet Novello who's been doing all the escorting I can remember, that's a lot of games i've watched! Olivia starts as usual with the regular boring speech on "how its a great pleasure to be here, you should all be excited about you chance to go into the games blah blah blah" Then finally she gets to the point of digging her hand deep into the girls bowl and pulls out the name: "

"Precious Falcornia"

Eurgh! I hate that girl so much! And her stupid brother too. What type of name is Precious anyway? We're not in the Capitol sweetie, there's no need for posh flamboyant names like that! I hope she dies a painful death and i will make sure I do it!

Prince Falcornia's POV

Reaping Day! Another Year of Reaping! And another year of worry that either me or Precious will have to go into the games. Precious is my twin sister, and i would hate for her to go into the games, and even if she did get reaped I cannot do anything about it because guys cant volunteer for girls anyway, i did try to make a deal with my girlfriend asking if Precious ever got reaped if she would volunteer for her. She didn't like that idea, and broke up with me. She didn't agree either, so now if Precious get reaped I have no way to protect her, and i lost the one i love along the way, This years worse though, if Precious does get reaped then another member of our family will go in too, either mum, dad or Charles will have to go in either and either kill or be killed. I would hate them to penetrate their souls by killing someone but i would hate it even more for them to die and leave me alone in our house with the ghosts of their lives haunting me forever until i die.

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