District 1: Train and Chariot Rides

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This chapter will be very long as it has 2 smaller parts to it. It is taking a long time to write



Precious Falcornia POV

Wow, peacekeeper, loosen your grip bloody hell! I'm not gonna run away, not now that Perri is in the arena with me! Wonder what it will be like? Saying that, as long as Perri is killed by me, and me alone, I'm happy no matter what the arena would be like. As long as it isn't too difficult to survive like a desert or something where there's no food to hunt or water to drink.

"Ow!! Get off me" I hear myself yell out when we reach the train station. It just slipped out, but it made me sound about 8 years old. Because of that, it obviously turns a few heads, i even see that little 12 year old-Ruby I think her name is-giggling at the outburst. Dammit! I really want as many sponsors as possible. Not that i would need to get any gifts, i just want Perri to get none at all so she can die from starvation or infection or something like that. Course i would prefer to kill her myself, but if i can give her a long lasting injury that gets infected or whatever, it'll make her death very very painful, but our fight should give people a show.

Ruby Malone POV

Wow, i never would've imagined Precious screaming out like that, even i'm staying quiet and smiling to the people here to watch us go onto the train. I'm scared of course, very scared, and i think my smile reflects that because when i walk past this very blue lady, she goes 'awww what an innocent young girl, so scared, so young' I notice a couple of other people turning to the people they are with and whisper, all the time looking at me. I like the attention off the sponsors, because maybe they can give me something that could save my life, even something small like a knife will save me. Not to kill anyone, but to cut the plants or some branches to give me food and shelter. I may be the youngest, but i'm not stupid.

We're approaching the train now, sponsors are being replaced by news teams with large cameras. I get even more scared, i had forgotten that every move we make will be recorded on camera and published to the world around us. I look to the left and see Olivia smiling cheerfully at me, in a way telling me to smile, its not all bad. The train is magnificent, all silver with gold trimmed windows and doors. I can see inside the windows, we are that close, everything is all soft and fluffy and looks very expensive. I cant wait to go inside!

Wow, it even better then i expected! Everything's better then i expected, and i have my own carriage! That's right, a carriage all to myself! That includes my own bedroom, kitchen and bar area! Plus i have loads of people to look after me, they move silently and refuse to talk even when i ask them questions. How odd. Although i was told by Olivia not to talk to them, but i'm a curious girl. Sadly. Curiosity can be deadly in the games, especially when it comes to 'whats that over there?' or 'oh those berries look well nice, wonder what they taste like?' You can be dead within seconds with the wrong berries. Luckily with my parents being the ones that teach the potential tributes about natural food resources, i've probably knew more when i was 5 then most tributes do when they're 14, so that's not really a problem.

Perri Palm POV

Well i didn't expect that. Although, he is cute. Wait! What am i doing?! He's a Capitol citizen! He's waiting for us all to battle to the death in the arena. Aww that's a shame, although if he was here with me as a member of our district he wont be any where near as cute as he;d be all samey, like the other boys in our district. Okay, okay, recover coolness, breath and forget about him. Focus on how to kill that snivilly little brat that is Precious Falcornia. Hopefully I'll get to kill her idiotic twin brother too. No doubt they're going to team up to try and stay alive during to district games to make it to the final games. I am going to be the one to win it for district 1. Although i dont really want to kill that innocent 12 year old. Shes so small, and very cute. Its just not me to kill her, seeing i have no reason too. If i happen to be wrong and she really has a secret skill and tries to attack me, i will not hold back. I will get her.

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