Peter Parker

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Peter and Tony were talking one day at stark tower when (your superhero name) came walking in. You pulled your mask off and walked up to Tony kissing him on the cheek,

"Hey dad, h-hi Peter." You blushed and continued walking to your room, Peter on the other hand had just found out that his favorite superhero (other then iron man) and school crush were the same person.

" You blushed and continued walking to your room, Peter on the other hand had just found out that his favorite superhero (other then iron man) and school crush were the same person

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"What just happened?" Tony smirked,

"That was my daughter (y/n), I think she goes to your school, you know her?" Peter blushed,

"Y-yeah I know her." Peter was too scared to tell tony that he had asked you to the homecoming next weekend.

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