Hang loose

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Jordan's POV
Ugh we're sitting in my room bored when I hear someone burst through the front door loudly. I mutter "o god if that's Erin I'm going to legit kill her." Eva says "who's Erin?" I say "my cousin she's a senior." I go downstairs and it's Nick another one of my cousins.  I scream "OMG I HAVEN'T SEEN YOU IN FOREVER EEE." Nick says "shhhh I wanna surprise your moms how are you." I say "I'm alright. How are you?" He says "I'm alright. Busy. As fucking always." I say "people at school are annoying my friends are here I'm going back up stairs don't scare Lana she's been paranoid today for some reason." Nick says "alright before you go though any drama I should know?" I say "dude can I call you tomorrow night?" Nick says "sure but you're telling me everything though." I say "yes I know." I walk upstairs, Nick going to my mom's room. I go in and say "sup y'all guess what bitch is here." I hear nick yell "I AIN'T NO BITCH YOU MOTHERFUCKER." I yell "SHUT THE HELL UP." Sara says "is it Nick?" I say "yup." She yells "FUCK YEAH" and runs out the door practically crushing Nick in a hug. I chuckle and say "she likes him more then she likes me." Nick says "well you have more friends I'm proud of you" sarcastically. I say "how many friends do you have Nick family doesn't count, one night stands don't either." Nick says "damnit I have no friends except maybe Sara." Sara says "I'll be your friend." I say "well this is depressing." Spencer says "maybe a little." Nick says "I'll call you later Jordan" and winks at me. I blush a little. I say "cya Nick hang loose" winking at him. Nick says "I thought that joke was over." Liam says "oooo story time." I say "yeah Nick why don't you tell this story." Nick says "no but you can" and walks away. Sara comes back and says "I haven't even heard this story yet." I say "so when Nick was a senior a few years ago he really liked a girl and asked her out and when she rejected him he said hang loose." We all burst out laughing. Eva says "poor Nick." I say "yup." Mom (Jess) says "pizzas here guys." I say "awesome." We all go into the kitchen grabbing pizza and going into the living room. I take a bite of pizza and I literally sexually moan it's that good. Pizza's just great.  Sara rolls her eyes. I say "Sara if you keep doing that you might find a brain back there." Sara says "and if you keep moaning your mom's are going to think you are having an orgy in your living room." Spencer shook his head smiling. I smirk saying "what's got you smiling?" He says "you." I look down biting my lip, blushing. I look up into his eyes . God why are they so pretty I literally don't understand. He just has a nice face. Ok quit it Jordan you're staring. I say "I eat pizza to much." Sara says "me too." Eva says "I haven't had pizza in 3 years." I say "you're kidding." She's says "I'm not my parents are strict I haven't had chips in like a year." I say "so hows pizza after 3 years ?" She says "sooooo good" falling backwards on her back. I say "whenever you want pizza there's a 50 percent chance we will be having pizza for dinner." Eva says "noted" laughing. Mom comes in and says "at class today after school I heard a kid say there's a fair of some sort in the park this week and goes till 2 in the morning you guys can go if you want and the parks right across the street?" I smirk and say "who wants to go?" Everyone cheers. Mom says "do you need money this time?" I say "yes please." She gives me a 20 and mom yells from the kitchen and says "YOU DON'T HAVE TO BUY TICKETS FOR THIS THING SO YOU'RE SET." I say "awesome." I put the 20 in my front pocket and my phone in my back pocket. Everyone puts their shoes on while I go upstairs and put a beanie and a pair of doc martens they're just easier then converse and go back downstairs. I stand in the doorway. I look around for a second and is Spencer checking me out? I shake my head I'm probably dreaming. I go outside and sit on the steps. I hear the door open and someone sit next to me and say "he really likes you ya know." I turn around and see it's Liam I say "ya sure? Isn't he straight." Liam says "I promise he's whipped he never shuts up about you. I find it annoying but I know you guys like each other so I'll cut you guys a little bit of slack. Now someone should make a move and he doesn't believe me that you like him back and if you don't like him back I'm going to have worse trust issues in myself then I already do." I say "well I like him too it's just I don't know how to do it." Liam says "just tell him just straight forward but don't confront him because honestly you might overwhelm him." I say "well that would overwhelm anyone I would think." We laugh at what we said. Everyone comes out and Liam says "just do it man." I say "ok Shia LaBeouf."

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