~Part 23~

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Malia's P.O.V•

As the trial began I couldn't hear what was going on around me. I was so nervous and anxious to pay attention, but then my name was called. I went up to the stand and our lawyer asked me questions.

"What happened the day that Grayson found you?" He asked.

"Umm...That day when I woke up my mother came into my room drunk and told me to clean the house while she went to the liquor store. She said if I didn't get it done by the time she got back I would be in big trouble." I explained.

"What happened when your mother came home?" He asked.

"I was just about to clean her room, but then she came home. I was afraid because I didn't finish so I went in my room. She came in and dragged me to her room." I explained.

"Did she lay a hand on you in that moment?" He asked.

"Y-Yes she did." I said.

"Could you describe to me what she did?" He asked.

"After she dragged me to her room she started to punch me and throw me against the wall. Then I remember she threatened me with a knife." I explained.

"How did you get to the street that Grayson found you?" He asked.

"Umm...when my mother was threatening me with the knife I was begging her not to make me go, but she pushed me out the door and I fell into the street." I explained.

"Okay, thank you Malia you can sit down now." He said.

I nodded and went back to my seat which was next to Grayson. I took a deep breath and then Grayson got called up to the stand.

•Grayson's P.O.V•

After Malia was done telling her side of the story it was my turn. I went up to the stand and our lawyer started to ask me some questions.

"How did you end up on the street where you found Malia?" He asked.

"Well my brother Ethan and I were separated for a YouTube video that we were filming and I needed to go to the  store that was at the end of that street." I said.

"From your point of view what happened that day?" He asked.

"When I was turning into that street I saw Malia just laying there. I almost hit her, but I was quick to stop the car. I got out of the car and went up to her. As I got closer I could see that she had bruises all over her. I decided to take her to the hospital, but as I was picking her up. Her mother asked me what I was doing and said to just leave her in the road." I explained.

"I couldn't leave Malia in the road so I took her to the hospital. When I got there I texted my brother, Ethan what happened." I say.

"Thank you Grayson you can sit down now." He said.

I went back to my seat and our lawyer continued.

"I have with me Malia's file from the day that Grayson brought her to the hospital." He said while giving the file to the judge.

"As you can see your honor the description tells you the injuries that Malia came in with." He explained.

"Her mother, Ms. O'Conelle is responsible for all of those injuries listed. She was the last person with Malia before Grayson found her all bruised up. He explained.

"That is all. Thank you your honor." He said then sat down.

Then it was time for Malia's mother to come up to the stand.

•Malia's P.O.V•

As my mother walked up to the stand her eyes were on me and the look in them were cold.

Her lawyer began to ask my mother questions.

"From your point of view what happened that day?" The lawyer asked.

"I came into Malia's room and woke her up, so she can get started on her chores."  She said.

"Did you lay a hand on Malia?" The lawyer asked.

"No, I would never lay a hand on her. She is my daughter and I love her with all my heart." She said almost starting to cry.

I turn to Grayson in disbelief. I couldn't believe that she was lying to a judge. I could see Ethan and Grayson starting to get mad.

"Why do you think Malia would say you did those things to her?" The lawyer asked.

"I don't know I do everything for her and–" My mother was explaining but the judge cut her off.

"Okay, I think I've heard enough you can go sit down." She said to my mother and her lawyer.

"Well I have had a lot of cases like this one, but the defendant has never been as ignorant as you." She said pointing to my mother.

"Clearly you did this to your child. There is evidence in her file." She explained.

"A mother is supposed to nurture there child, care for them, and teach them right from wrong. You don't deserve the title of a mother."She said to my mother.

"Malia could you come up to the stand please." The judge said to me.

I nodded and walked up to the stand.

"Has Ethan and Grayson been good to you?" She asked.

"Yes they have. They were so nice to me when they brought me to their house that day." I said.

"Would you rather live with them or your mother." She asked.

I looked at my mother then back at the twins.

"Ethan and Grayson." I said.

"Thank you, you can go sit down now." She said.

"As I can tell you and your brother are financially stable and are taking good care of Malia." She said talking to Grayson.

He nodded and she continued.

"Can the defendant and the plaintiff please rise." She said.

"From the evidence that has been brought to me I declare that the defendant, Ms. O'Conelle is guilty of child endangerment and assault. She is sentenced to 30 years in prison without the chance of parole." She said.

"Ethan and Grayson Dolan are now the legal guardians of Malia O'Conelle now Malia Dolan." She said.

As the judge was finished I couldn't help but cry tears of joy. The twins and I hugged and we saw my mother get put in handcuffs.

After the trial was done we were all standing outside the courthouse.

"I'm so glad that we won!" Grayson said.

"Yea, now I don't have to worry about her anymore." I say smiling.

Everyone said there goodbyes and then there were only the twins and I left in the parking lot.

"Let's go home.." Ethan said.

This book is ending soon😔😢 the next few chapters might have some time jumps...

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