Chapter 1: A "happy time"

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Sans: its amazyng, we're already moving.

They all go out in a group, Sans and Frisk go in front of everyone, with the logic of Sans, it's more pleasant.

Frisk: S-Sans, I-I do not think it's a good idea to go ahead and alone, do not you think?

Sans: Nha !! Why would it be?

Frisk: I-I do not know, it feels weird.

Sans: Ha! I have it under control!

Frisk: What?

She turns around and sees the Sans she met in Snowdin, protective, strong, skilled. For a thousandth of a second Sans winks at her and she melts of shame. The blue smoke coming out of his right eye, his unchangeable smile and his enormous power, there were too many emotions in a second, but everything good has an end.


Sans: Huh?

Sans: FFRRISSSK !!!!

Frisk was on the floor, bleeding, attacked by the mysterious being that impeded the move. Sans comes immediately and seats in front of her, he doesn't know what to do.

Frisk: G-Give . . . . me . . . .t-the . . . .h-hand, . . .Sans . . .

Frisk: S-Sans-s, d-don't leave me a-alone . . .

Sans: No, I will not, Never !, I-I promise . . . I promise.

Sans picks slowly and shamelessly the almost-dead body, and rips a mousse of cloth to cover the wound. The cold but strong wind was blooding. Nothing could be worst for Sans, with a body in his hands, blood everywhere and a mid-clock which measures everything.

Alphys: Well, Mettaton, I think you're ready.

A sharp thump comes from the door. Alphys attends fast.

Alphys: Oh! Hello Sans! Wait . . . t-that's F-Frisk?

Sans: H-help, . . . p-please.

Alphys: B-but what? What happened?

Sans: It doesn't matter, it's just this wound.

Alphys: Follow me, there's not much time left!

Frisk slowly opens her eyes, she can only see a silhouette holding her in someones arms, wearing a blue jacket, apparently warm.

Alphys: I will use an ancient human tactic to keep her alive!

Alphys takes a blessing and slowly surrounds her back stained with a strong red, blood.

Alphys: I-I'm afraid Frisk is not aware, b-but she's still alive. Every so often I'll have to come and give you chemicals t-that will keep her for a while


Alphys: T-that's left i-in Frisk's hands. Days can go by, weeks, MONTHS, without her awakening, or. . . . or unless I-I develop something that awakens her. Anyway, it will take time.

Sans: Hm . . . ., Alphys, can you give me a little time alone with Frisk?

Alphys: Oh, y- yes, as you wish.

Alphys leaves the room to announce that the move has to be postponed. Sans walks vaguely to the bed and huddles on the edge.

Sans: I'm so stupid, how could I not protect you? Now I postponed the move.

Sans takes the cold hand of Frisk, immobile, serious, slow breathing.

Sans: Why was not it me?

Tears escape and he puts on the hood on.

The Alphys's journal

Today we were supposed to move to the surface but when preparing Mettaton, Sans appeared at my door and Frisk badly wounded in his arms, I do not know what happened, Sans does not want to tell me. It seems he is embarrassed, I will not force him. It seems that he does not want to leave Frisk, at this moment that I write this, he is sleeping next to Frisk. While I see how she reacts, I will prepare a cure.

It's been 2 days since the Frisk accident, Sans refuses to talk to me or to let Frisk, he tells me something like "I promised" but I don't understand. Papyrus visited us because he missed his brother and his friend. Sans speaks to Frisk as if she were . . . alive, I can't disappoint him.

5 days and I have not found a cure for Frisk, but I have an idea. And Sans regrets his mistakes kneeling in front of Frisk, sometimes, to whom I'm lying, it always hurts.

Alphys: Sans?

Sans: Huh?

Alphys: I-I think I have the cure.

Alphys prepares an inflatable bed, Sans has a discomfort face.

Alphys: Lie down; I'll have to tie you from the extremities.

Sans: Whatever it is to see her safe.

Alphys: Hey, Sans, you probably feel weird in the process.

Sans: It's fine.

Everything went dark, until slowly it comes out of that darkness.

Sans: H-Huh?

Alphys: Oh, S-Sans, you're already awake. Hm. . . Yes, she remains the same. Stand up, I'll bring some water.

Alphys' diary

Hm. . . I don't know what to do anymore. . . It doesn't work, I'm lost.

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