Chapter 11: How about a "punny" time?

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Sans: Oh Toriel!

Toriel: Huh? Who is there?

She opens the old door.

Toriel: O-Oh! Sans, I-I . . . . Wasn't . . . uh . . . . expecting you . . . . and . . . . Frisk . . . . and Papyrus. Come in, you are always welcome here. I was cooking some pies, which i was going to send to you.

They go inside.

Frisk: We just wanted to visit you, mom.

Toriel: I love this kind of moments together. I specially made a Pa-pie-rus.

Papyrus: How do you even know each other's puns!!!

Sans: Speaking of puns. What is the difference between a piano and a fish?

Toriel: What is it Sans?

Papyrus: No!

Sans: It is-

Papyrus: Sans, Sans, no!

Sans: You can tune a piano but can't tuna fish-

The girls where lathing at the back.

Papyrus: Sans!, Knock, Knock.

Sans: Who's there?

Papyrus: Ice-cream.

Sans: Ice-cream who?

Papyrus: I'lls-cream if you say another pun!- wait a second-

Sans: Oh, Papyrus! You need professional help.


Sans: Puns.

Toriel: You are making no Sans-

Sans: I swear those pies are Tori-fic.

Papyrus: STOP THAT!!!

Sans: Never!

Toriel: Oh! The pies are almost ready.

Sans: What a sour-pie, isn't it?

Papyrus: Sans, that was horrendous.

Sans: It wasn't that bad.

Papyrus: Yes it was!

Toriel: The pies are ready.

Papyrus: Something to escape from this hell.

Sans: You'll scape . . . for seconds.

Papyrus: Golden seconds.

Toriel: Here they are!

Sans: I wish they taste as good as they look.

Frisk: Of course they are, Sans.

Toriel: You are so cute, my child.

She places them in the table. Papyrus was directly looking at Sans and Toriel started to cut the pie in eight slices, each one of them in a white porcelain plate. Frisk lunched herself to the precious pie, Papyrus looked at it a few seconds but he started to eat as Toriel. Sans was stuck looking at Frisk, she was so beautiful.

Toriel: Sans, are you ok? You haven't touched your food.

Sans: Y-Yea, I'm ok.

He started to eat. Every one finished, Frisk was the last, she asked for more.

Toriel: That's enough, my child.

Frisk: Hm . . . . Mom . . .

Toriel: Why don't you go to your room? You may like the renovations I made.

Frisk: Ok, mommy.

Papyrus: Oh! Can I join you? I never had seen the human's room.

Frisk: Of course!

They go to the room, leaving Sans and Toriel in the room.

Sans: So . . . What do you want to -taco- about?

Toriel: Ha ha . . . Sans, are we already starting?

Sans: Y'know? I was reading a really interesting book.

Toriel: Huh?

Sans: Yea, it was about anti-gravity, it's impossible to put down.

Toriel: So you want to fight, right? I also have some puns, they are about construction but I'm still -working- on them.

Sans: I think you will have to Ketch-up to my level.

Toriel: And I think you need a tu-Toriel to mine.

Sans: That's Sans-ational.

Toriel: Ok . . . you win. You will still be the puniest.

Sans: get dunked on.

Toriel: I will get something to drink.

She goes to the kitchen; she comes back with some wine.

Sans: Whoa- Tori, really?

Toriel: One cup won't to nothing to anyone.

Sans: Give me a little.

Toriel: Here you go.

They both start to drink the red liquid. It tasted different as usual for a wine but none of his senses were useful at this rate, he started to blackout.

Toriel: Sans? Oh my god, tell me he isn't actually sleeping, that sac of lazy bones. I will check how Papyrus and Frisk are.

She walks into the room, hoping they are ok. Toriel gently opens the door.

Toriel: My child- . . . Oh

They, Papyrus and Frisk, where sleeping in the bed. Frisk was sleeping in the bed in a delicate pose, not the same for Papyrus, he had most of the body out of the bed and most of the times he was snoring he said eighter "Nyeh" or "spaget". Toriel goes to her room.

Toriel: Sigh . . . 

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