Good Morning

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☼ (PART 1/2) ☼

A S   Y O U R    W I F E

A S   Y O U R    W I F E

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Her eyes fluttered open to catch the first rays of morning sun. The sheer curtains danced with the gentle sighs of the fan that stood in front of their bed. With a stretch and a sleepy rub of her face, she greeted the new day with a yawn. Resting her body back into the sheets, her eyes slowly focused back to consciousness. And there he was. Dreaming beside her was Seokjin.

The same warm feeling bundled up inside her chest that she got every time she saw him. There was nothing that could compare to the comfort provided by her husband's face, sleeping soundly. The peaceful rise and fall of his chest was made only barely visible by the comforter as it wrinkled and unwrinkled along the length of his body. He slept like a prince, his face smooth as porcelain and just as handsome as when he was awake.

After the many years they'd spent as a couple, Y/N never managed to rid herself of the blush that crept over her face when she saw him. Years later, Seokjin consistently teased her for it, although they both secretly liked it.

Cautiously, Y/N pulled her phone from under her pillow, checking the time. To her surprise, she actually woke up early. Both of them had spoken about how beneficial it would be to wake up early, but neither of them cared enough to actually set an alarm, so this was pleasantly convenient. Even though he was always late, Seokjin was usually the first one awake, rushing last minute to get to work on time. Y/N looked back at him and smiled. The best part about waking up first today meant that she could spoil her husband this morning before work.

She slid the phone back, accidentally nudging Seokjin's pillow in the process. He inhaled slowly before letting out a sleepy grumble and reaching for her waist. Y/N smiled with her whole face as he pulled her close, slowly waking up as well. He nuzzled his face into the crook of her neck and tickled her skin with a sigh.

"Good morning, sleepyhead."

Too sleepy to respond, Seokjin simply placed a soft kiss on her shoulder. Y/N giggled and returned his kiss with one on his temple. He made that same quiet sound he always did when he smiled, reassuring Y/N without having to see it. Slowly, she slipped from his grip to leave the bed. Half-conscious Seokjin rolled over and clutched her pillow, sighing and drifting back to sleep as Y/N snuck into the kitchen.

. ☼ .

Cracking eggs into a pan, she could hear the sound of the shower running in the bathroom. Y/N's morning was filled with the sounds of running water, sizzling breakfast and Seokjin's singing. One of the best things about living with Seokjin was the fact that she could listen to him sing in the shower every morning. With the amount of people complaining about their spouse's shower-concerts, she considered it a blessing to be married to someone so talented.

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