Chapter 1

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A/N: This is my first fic for The Resident! I'm a whore for some hurt/comfort, especially between a pairing. I'm an EMT so I thought it would be cool to break down all the medical stuff at the end of each chapter. I'm not a doctor, but the info I provide is based on my knowledge as an EMT in the field for a little over 3 years. Hope you enjoy :) What will happen next? Please leave a review!

"I need restraints over here!" Pravesh called out as he and Nic attempted to hold the patient down. Several nurses rushed over to assist as the patient kicked and swung at them wildly, even ripping Nic's ID badge from her coat and flinging it across the room.

"Nic, get five of Haldol," Pravesh added.

Nic went to the med supply and grabbed the vial and a syringe, quickly returning to administer the dose into the patient's arm. "There we go," She soothed as he started to slow down, coming to a stop. They finished applying the restraints and Pravesh talked to a nurse, ordering more tests and medication.

"Thanks Nic," Pravesh nodded.

"Yeah, of course," She smiled and finally exhaled. She went off in search of her ID badge, crouching to get a better view of the floor. She spotted it underneath a vacant bed. She went over and had to crawl half under to grab it. As she was withdrawing, the loud clatter of a lac tray being dropped sounded nearby, causing her to jump. She smacked the back of her head hard on a metal bar underneath the bed. She gasped and groaned, seeing stars for a moment as she carefully backed out. Standing up slowly, she supported herself with a hand on the bed and the other holding the new bruise now forming.

"Jesus," She sighed, blinking as the stars and pain dissipated. She waited for a moment but then felt fine. She breathed a sigh of relief.

She continued on, treating patients in the ER. A scalp lac in 4, strep in 8, and a wrist sprain in 14. She paused at the nurse's station, writing up discharge instructions for her strep patient. Conrad saw her and joined her.

"Hey Nic," He said with a soft smile.

"Hey," She smirked, not looking up from the tablet. Suddenly her expression dropped, blinking hard.

"You okay?" Conrad curiously tilted his head.

"Yeah, I just have a killer headache," She said simply.

"I'm telling you, you work too many hours," He said, "Between the clinic and this hell hole..."

"You realize you are the biggest hypocrite I've ever met, right?" She chuckled.

"Alright, I'm just sayin!" he puts his hands up with a smile. Nic flinched again, reaching to touch her forehead. Conrad became serious. "Nic, are you sure you're okay?" He said quietly, inching closer.

"Conrad, can you cover the ankle fracture in 7?" Nurse Hundley asked, holding a tablet out to him. Conrad glanced at her and then looked back to Nic.

"Go, I'm fine, I just need some Tylenol," Nic reassured him, "Go."

"Yeah, I got it," He replied to nurse Hundley and turning back to Nic added, "Take a break, okay?"

Nic only rolled her eyes in response and began making her way to the next patient. The pain had already subsided and she knew that she was fine.

After treating an asthma attack in room 12, she noticed her neck starting to feel stiff. Did she pull a muscle too? She tried to stretch a little but was interrupted by another sudden headache. She ran her fingers over the back of her head and found a large, painful bump. Seriously? She was annoyed by how much she had managed to injure herself crawling under a bed.

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