three | the truth

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Once they had gotten the check, they all had rushed out of the room

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Once they had gotten the check, they all had rushed out of the room. Layla's hands wouldn't stop shaking. IT knew that they were back, IT knew where they were, as always.

''That's what Pennywise does, right?" Eddie asked, "He fucks with us, so Stanley's probably fine.''

Layla reached into her bag and pulled out her phone, ''I can call him real quick, to make sure he's okay.''

''Hey, Richie!'' A kids voice called out, making the group stop.

"How'd you . . . how'd you know my name?" Richie questioned.

The kid was tiny, and had really curly brown hair. The kid smiled, ''The fun's just beginning, right?" 

The kid kept smiling at Richie, looking at him like Richie was supposed to know what he was talking about.

''Listen,'' Richie said, pointing a finger at the kid. ''You think this is funny? You - you think this is some sort of game?" 

Richie's voice was getting louder and he grabbed the kid by the shoulder, ''Well fuck you, alright! Fuck you! I'm not afraid of you!''

The kid's eyes glanced to the left, ''The funs just beginning. The line from your act, dude. I'm a fan!''

Richie pointed behind the kid, ''Are those your parents?"


''You want a picture?"

The kid shook his head, ''I think I'm good.'' He then began walking away from his parents.

''Richie, you shook the life out of that kid, why would he want a picture with you?" Layla asked.

''Jesus, Richie. You don't remember a line from your own show?" Ben questioned.

Richie sighed, ''I don't write my own material.''

''I fucking knew it! I fucking knew it!'' Eddie yelled, as they exited the restaurant. 

As soon as they stepped outside, Layla dialed Stanley's number, but his wife picked up. ''Hey, Patty, it's Layla. I was calling to make sure Stanley was okay?"

REDITUS | BILL DENBROUGH [2]Where stories live. Discover now