Hurting and Healing

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"Where's Newt?!" Tina asked Theseus desperately, who had just apparated back to the little house they were staying at, from the sudden attack by Grindelwald's followers. Jacob had been hurt and Tina, being the closest to him, had apparated him to safety earlier and taken care of him.
"I don't know," said Theseus, catching his breath. "I was trying to find him. There were too many of them."
Tina sighed and looked him over. "Are you hurt?"
He shook his head. "Maybe a few scrapes and bruises. I'm alright."
They were startled by the thwip-ing sound of apparation and turned to see Newt standing a little ways off, wavering and catching his footing.
"Newt!" Tina exclaimed, and rushed to throw her arms about him. "You're hurt," she said, stepping back to look at him, and began to wipe the blood off his face with her sleeve.
"I saw her," he said quietly, and Tina pursed her lips. "You need to sit down."
Theseus had come alongside Newt, and together he and Tina helped him inside. They sat him on the couch and Tina fetched a basin of water and a cloth. "Mr. Scamander, would you check on Mr. Kowalski?" She asked Theseus, and he nodded his compliance and turned away to the bedroom.
"What happened?" Tina asked Newt quietly, as she knelt before him and began to clean the gash down the right side of his face. He winced a little and said, "there were too many of them. I got blasted with a few spells and then I was just--trying to get away. I ducked into an alley, and that's when I saw her; saw Queenie."
Tina paused for a moment to look from his temple into his eyes. "What did she say?"
Newt smiled a little. "First she said, 'please don't be frightened of me, Newt. I wouldn't hurt you.'"
"How did she look?" Tina interjected.
"A little nervous, but not unwell. She said--she told me, to take good care of you."
Tina sniffed and unbuttoned the top of Newt's shirt to take a look at his injured shoulder. Newt watched her sadly. "She also said--" he paused and his breath caught. "To tell you, that she loved you."
Tina stopped cleaning his wound and looked up with tears in her eyes. Newt smiled a little and slowly brought his hand up to brush away a tear. She rested her head in his hand for a moment and he said, "she could hear you, she said. That's why she was hiding. She knew you were there."
Tina sniffed and Newt looked for a handkerchief in his coat, which was draped over the back of the couch. "Oh," he said, drawing out the bloodied cloth. Tina laughed and wiped her face on her sleeve. "Did she say anything else?" She asked.
"Well," Newt replied, "she said you should stop worrying about her so much, but that she knew you wouldn't."
Tina shook her head. "Not for a while."
"We heard someone then, and I made to leave, and she said, 'I'd make you promise to take care of her, but I know you will. Be careful.' And then she disapparated, and then, I came here."
Tina smiled and then looked at him in concern. His breathing seemed more irregular than usual--she pressed a bruise on his ribcage and he winced. "Think you broke a rib?" She asked.
"Maybe," he said, and she sighed and folded her arms across his legs and set her chin on her wrist. Newt leaned back into the sofa cushions and stroked Tina's hair. "We'll be alright," he said.
"We'll be alright."

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