Scene 6 - The Ood Brain

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Outside the base, somewhere around, in the freezing cold weather as the snow intensity begins to increase. A grey warehouse, with a massive screen at the steel door, with the Captain, the Ood, the Doctor and Ace arriving around it, preparing to enter. The Captain enters the code.


So Doctor, how do you find our company so far?


I have not seen all of it to form my own conclusion and report. But for the moment, despite the hasty arrival, we are most impressed.


Well even I haven't seen the Ood Brain sir it is so secret.


How did you find it?

Buried along with the Ood in the underground, in a rather big pit you could say. Scientists carefully removed it and placed it in the exact temperatures and conditions it was first found in into this warehouse.

It is opened, the door sliding to the left revealing it open.



They begin to proceed inwards, the Captain, the Doctor, Ace, then the Ood. The four-step down the long ladder leading high up to the surface. A warm place, with engines and circuits, with wires and software, are all programmed on the deck. The gate protecting them from the brain below. Once they are down, they stare down to watch the Ood Brain, like a lung breathing in and out, only this is the massive black pump leading inside the brain somewhere. The hazy blue electrifying field around it – keeping the Ood prisoners. Ace places her bag down at the gate.


Crickey! A thing that massive! And that's the hind brain for every single Ood...


Right across the universe.


What happens if we fall into it?


You get sucked into it. Just be careful.


It's wikied!

The Doctor begins exploring the other panels and instruments, analyzing them closely.


Quite an engineering feat here Captain. The Second Great and Bountiful Human Empire!


Yes. I remember coming in here before. Never liked it. It's just that brain. It's a living organism!


Try not to think about it that way Captain. You're a brave man.

The Ood stands over the gate with Ace, as she notices the energy field around the brain.


Captain, why is there a fuzzy field around it?


I'm not scientist Miss Bush.


Yes well, whilst you three admire the entire brain of every Ood in existence, I'll have a look around just to make sure everything is in order.


Hey, be careful with that stuff Doctor! You disrupt the brain...


Yes, yes Captain I know all that! After all, this is fascinating stuff I need to put down for my report back for Earth.

The Doctor snoops through the software and technology, searching hard for the next postage stamp where he will find the next clue, desperately. Ace feels uncomfortably paranoid about the brain and goes to find the Doctor digging through the technology.

You don't by any chance have a Professor that works here do you? To maintain the brain of the Ood. After all, we are talking about your entire company here. No Ood, no business.


The software is self-sufficient, it can run itself perfectly fine.


Well, as long as nothing goes wrong or the warehouse isn't burgled.


Nothing can get in through those walls. If you try to go under you will blow yourself up!


That thing gives me the creeps!


Yes, rather icky I suppose. Aha! I've found it.

He shows Ace the stamp, and the third time again it has the same symbol on it.


You will find the next at the Sense-Sphere, and the keycode. The keycode – for the computer. And old friend awaits.


Someone has gone to a great deal of trouble to lead me into this. Looks like we need to head for the Sense-Sphere, where I shall confront this old friend of mine!


And the keycode probably means for the brain!


What exactly does this all mean then?


Someone is trying to lead us into some sort of chase I imagine. First on the ship, then the walls, and now here.


What have I told you, nobody can get in here!


Maybe if they land inside this warehouse. If they've taken this keycode then it must play a very important part in this entire software, controlling the Ood's minds.


Then we need to head to the Sense-Sphere and get it back!

The Doctor notices the scanner, and the basic reading level, a line of waves gently swaying at number 5, with the levels steadily increasing all the time, and the lines getting more and more erratic.


Scanner, the readings. What levels should it be on?


Five, wait a minute, thirty five? Forty?


Those levels increasing, and with the keycode missing it must obviously control the intensity of the brain activity.


Well I'm no expert, and at that high they should all be dead. Fifty? Sixty-five?

The field around the brain begins spiking and buzzing, and the brain begins shaking and boiling erratically as with the levels, and the waves of the scanner.

Ninety? One hundred!

The computers blow! BANG! BANG! The energy is too strong, overheating the circuits. BANG!


How do we stop it?


We can't!

The Ood with them puts its head down in its hands with the head shaking violently as the activity rapidly changes. The Doctor scrunches the paper into his pocket again whilst the Captain lifts the watch up to reveal the communicator...

Mr. Braian sir... Mr. Braian sir...

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