Welcome to the mansion (pt 3)

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Again a few weeks later

All the proxy's got along. Rouge treated you like a little "brother" and was very protective. You never complained about it because you new her story and how hard it was for her. You made sure to watch your words around her knowing she could snap at anytime. You four usually slept in the shared proxy room since it helped with the headaches. You never got headaches or symptoms of the slender sickness but you still stayed with them to help out.

'Please come to my office' you head your dad say in your head.

You quickly put on your mask and left your room to go to his. You went next door and entered, not bothering to knock since you new he was expecting you. You sat down in one of the chairs across from his desk and waited for him to speak. After a few seconds the other proxy's walked in and sat with you. "I have found someone else who I believe could be a proxy." Said your dad.
He handed you a file with the name Toby Rogers on it. "This is the boys file, he should be arriving any day now so be ready." He said before dismissing you four.

You all went to the proxy room and you opened the file. Inside was a picture of a boy who had messy brown hair and hazel eyes. You started to read the file with the other proxy's reading over your shoulder.

Name: Tobias Erin Rogers (goes by Toby)
Age: 17
Gender: male
Disorders: CIPA, Tourette's, depression.
Toby's dad is abusive. Along with that he lost his big sister Lyra in a car crash. I have been watching Toby for some time now and am waiting for him to break before taking him.

'Yep, just like dad. And he's making these files more and more detailed.' You thought.

"So we wait for Slender to get this kid then we show him around and make sure he understands everything?" Asked Rouge.

"Yea pretty much." You said closing the file and putting it on your shared table.

"Hoods, can you go get another bunk bed from the storage room? I'll help you set it up." You asked Hoodie.

He nodded and left the room. Rouge and Masky has to go complete a mission so it would be just you and Hoodie making the bed. Hoodie came in carrying three big boxes. "Fucking IKEA shit." He mumbled under his breath as he put it down in front of you.

"Oh come on, it's not as bad as putting it together." You said pulling the tool box from under your bed.

"True." He said plopping down next to you.

He grabbed the first box and you started putting together the hell that the call IKEA furniture.

It's been three days since you were given the file for Toby. You and Hoodie had also finished the bunk bed and rearranged the proxy room so it fit. The thee bunks were now all almost touching each others side with a desk at each end.

You were now eating dinner, witch was hot turkey sandwiches. Suddenly your dads head raises. "Tenebris, get everything ready for the new proxy." And then he teleported away.

You quickly got up and got the medical supplies. You then ran into me living room to see your dad setting Toby down on the couch. Toby was passed out and was breathing heavily. You ran over and quickly realized the burns on his body. You looked up at your dad. "He has a few burns. Nothing to much but they will need to be treated." You said starting to take his shirt off to treat the wounds.

Masky and Hoodie were watching you as you took out anti burn. You rubbed it on his burns while examining him for any other wounds. Once you got to his face you paused for a second. He was missing a bit of his lip and cheek. It looked like he had bitten at his cheeks much it caused this scar. You looked up at your father questioningly. "He can't feel it. I thought I put that in his file?"

You nodded and continued to work. You put on some spray and cleaned his new scar as much as you could but it was impossible to fix. "He will wake up and it will be hard for him to move." You said. "It would also be good if you didn't try to make him move for at least 2 days. We don't want his wounds to split because that would make him unusable."

Your dad nodded. "Tenebris, please take him and his stuff to the proxy room. Once he wakes up and is better you can show him around. For now please stay with him and make sure him needs are tended to."

You responded by picking him up bridal style and carrying him to the proxy room. But not before asking Rouge to grab his stuff and to follow you.

It's been about 3 hours since Toby came. You had not left his side on Your dads orders. And he was FINALLY waking up. "Hey sleepyhead." You said causing him to jump not knowing you were there.

"Who are you?" He asked fiercely.

He couldn't hide his feelings. He was scared. Scared because he didn't know were he was scared because he knows he saw fathers hand on his shoulder.

"I'm Tenebris, Slenderman's head proxy." You said not moving, making your voice sound like it could be coming from any wear.

"That tall faceless prick?" He asked.

You couldn't stop. You started laughing so hard you started crying. "Y-yes that t-tall f-faceless prick." You said in between breaths.

Once you finally stoped laughing you explained that he was now a proxy of that "tall faceless prick." And that he had to obey him. As you were explaining Toby still didn't realize he had no shirt on. After gone you threw his previous sweatshirt at him. "Put a shirt on, I'll show you around." You said realizing that he would be fine to move as long as he didn't run or move to much.

After doing what you normally do to the new proxy you showed him to his personal room. You told him that if he needed something to go to the proxy room because that's were you would be. You changed his bandages one more time then went to sleep yourself.

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