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(F/A)=favourite anime

"Fuck..." You whispered under your breath as you stared at your blood covered sheets.

Your period was a terrifying time. You bleed so much you could paint a murder scene with it.

You looked around to see if you could hide it with something.

Nothing to hide it but you saw your dagger sitting on the bedside table.

You quickly grabbed it and made a cut on the inside of your thigh.

It bled quite a bit and after a moment, you let out a loud, "ow what the fuck!".

This was enough to wake Kate and Hoodie up.

They both let out soft groans before looking to you.

"Holy shit! What happened?" Asked Hoodie is a loud voice as him and Kate stared at you.

Both had there masks off and were looking at you wide eyed, surprised by the amount of blood covering you and your sheets.

"I uhh...guess I fell asleep with my dagger. I cut my leg in my sleep." You said, as you grabbed your leg, showing them the cut.

It was silent for a moment, before Kate spoke up, "Alright. You should go clean up. It's not a good idea to walk around with a cut on your leg and covers in blood." She said, giving a small giggle.

You let out a chuckle before standing and walking to the rooms door. You left and started to walk to your privet room.

As you were walking you heard something moving in the vents. You looked up to see the weird girl who lived here.

You smiled, not that she could see it, and gave her a little wave.

She crawled down the wall and walked up to you. She studied you before speaking, "That week?"

You have a small chuckle as you rubbed the aback of your neck.

She knew about who you really were. She got here when you were 10, so she saw your face then. She also understood your wishes and never mentioned it.

"Yea. Bled everywhere. Covered it up with a cut on the leg though." You stated, slightly gesturing to you still bleeding leg.

She nodded before climbing the wall, giving you a wave, then climbing back into the vent.

You continued the walk to your room without interruptions and quickly got closed the door and stripped of your bloodied clothing.

You went to your bathroom and turned your shower on.

You waited for the water to warm up before stepping in.

After about 45 minutes of cleaning yourself up you stepped out of the warm water and dried yourself off.

You quickly stitched up your leg then got dressed in your black Yohio hoodie, (If you don't know who he is you should go check him out. He has really good music)shoves a tampon up your girly part and it on dark blue jeans.

You walked back to the proxy room, hoping that you would be able to get the blood off your sheets before someone with a good sense of smell, like EJ or smile dog, got a wif of it.

But when you walked in, you saw that your sheets were clean. Not a drop of blood in sight.

"We changed them for you."

You turned to see Rouge standing in the corner in the room. "Masky is taking them to the laundry room to get them washed."

You cringed slightly, knowing that he had just touched period blood but nodded, trying not to show that you felt sorry for him.

"Thanks for that. I'll thank him later. I gotta go train." You said as you went to go leave the room.

"No problem. See you later."

You walked down the hall and down the stairs, daydreaming about (F/A).

You walked out the back door and into the large clearing, were there were some training dummies and different weapons.

You walked up to a dummy. You made sure everything was tightened then backed up.

You threw a quick front kick at the dummy before doing a spinning roundhouse kick, hitting it on the throat.

You did a backflip back before running at it again and sending 3 punches at the place we're the sternum would be, then doing a back leg kick.

You punched and kicked the dummy for about 5 hours before you felt a tap on your shoulder.

You turned your body to see EJ standing there.

"Whatcha' need?" You asked as you reached your hand under your mask to wipe the sweat off your forehead.

Without speaking he handed you a plastic water bottle.


You lifted the bottom of your mask and put the top of the bottle to your mouth and chugged it in one go.

You threw the bottle in the garbage by the house and looked back to EJ, who still hadn't moved.

You tilted you head at him slightly.

"Oh, um, I was wondering if you wanted a sparing partner?" He asked rubbing the back of his neck.

You laughed a little before nodding. "Why not. You've gotta be better then a dummy."

He chuckled slightly at your words as the two of you got in a fighting stance.

"No weapons." You stated.

He nodded as you two stood there for a second.

He suddenly lunged at you, trying to tackle you to the ground.

Before he could hit you, you side stepped making him fall to the ground. He did a front role and landed oh his feet.

This time he ran at you and tried to punch your stomach. You hit his arm up, grabbed his hood and knees him in the gut causing him to fall to the ground.

He quickly got up but he was breathing slightly heavier then normal.

He let out a growl and ran towards you at inhuman speeds.

Also being half demon allowed you to dodge, but most of the pastas and almost all humans would have gotten tackled to the ground right there.

You ran at him using all the speed you could muster in the small area between you and him, and punched him in the stomach.

He was pushed back slightly and stared at you.

You read his mood quickly and he was shocked.

You smirked slightly before running at him again and pinning him to the ground.

"I win." You said, slightly out of breath from using your demon speed.

You really needed to train that more.

He let out a huff before looking away.

You again quickly read his emotions.

He was...embarrassed?

That's when you realized the position the two of you were in.

You were hovering over him while sitting on his hips, using your feet to hold his legs down, while pinning his arms next to his head.

You blushed slightly and you got up, trying to make it seem like you went freeking out right now.

You put your hand out to help him up and he took it.

You pulled him up and the two of you dusted your cloths off.

"Thanks for the fight Jack. It was nice to train with someone." You said.

He nodded. "It's no problem. I kinda needed to spar to, so it's a win win."

With that the two of you left and went inside to relax for a bit.

His Daughter (Slendermans daughter) reader X Eyeless Jack story {Hiatus}Where stories live. Discover now