I'm a mothafuckin' schema boy, I'm a dreamer boy~

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Finally after what seemed like ages the whole gang had arrived. There was Brook who already seemed half asleep, Lewis who was carrying a bunch of cider and vodka, Iwan who was grabbing onto Alex to stop him from running to the fence, and Ella who was just lying on the grass and staring up at the stars.
"Ok so who wants what?" Lewis spoke which caused everyone to perk up and rush over to him. Alex and Iwan both grabbed the bottles of Vodka while Brook and Ella both stuck to the ciders, Ella was a lightweight but knew it, and Brook just preferred the Cider as she had never liked strong alcohol. Lewis was drinking from the last bottle of vodka and they had all decided to start to play some music. Lewis picked up his phone and started taking recommendations.
"HEY LET'S LISTEN TO LIL PEEP" "OI PLAY SOME LIL PEEP". Brook and Alex both started looking at each other as they had said the same artist at the same time.
"Oi Alex you like Lil Peep?" Brook said in shock and quickly walked over to him so they could continue talking about the Artist they both loved. *sigh* Young love, you can never get enough of it can you. Everyone watched while Brook danced her ass off to Beamer boy while everyone else laughed and danced around with her. After the song finally finished everyone all lost their balance and fell over, either from being too drunk or just being dizzy. Brook managed to fall down next to Alex and grabbed onto his arm while continuing to laugh with the others. You see, this is the life, being able to laugh and get drunk with your friends, while you get to just forget about everything in the world for just a few hours. After a while of everyone just lying there Iwan decided that everyone needed to be up again, and there was only one way she could get them up. Iwan quickly jumped up off the floor and yelled into the air " HIDE AND SEEK I'M SEEKING". Hide and Seek was sort of a tradition for everyone in the friendship group. Immediately everyone jumped up and got ready to run. Once Iwan started counting everyone started running in opposite directions just leaving Alex and Brook. Brook suddenly thought of a great idea and grabbed Alex's hand so he would follow. She kept dragging him along until they got to a huge tree. Alex who was very confused quickly turned to Brook but still decided to follow her as she started climbing the tree. Once they climbed the tree more, Alex realised that there was a huge hole in the tree which was big enough for 4 people. Once they were both inside Brook quickly sat on the ground next to Alex and started texting the other people who were hiding.

Hide and seek

BrookTheBastard : So where are you all hiding? Me and Alex found the best place, bet we'll win🤪

EllaBella : So where the fuck are you guys then?

BrookTheBastard: A genius never spills her secrets😉

LewTheSoundcloudKing : Guy's I think I'm stuck, can somebody come get me?

EllaBella: *sigh* I'll come get you Lew, just hold on mate.

LewTheSoundcloudKing: Hahahah..........pls hurry.

After they had finished their conversation in the group chat Brook finally laid back onto the grass as Alex looked down from above.
"Alex, have you ever just laid back and looked up at the stars, just forgetting about all your worries and getting to just relax?". Alex didn't know what to say, he had never been actually able to do that, as he thought that it was too 'girly', but he had recently started introducing himself to new things, such as wearing actual pyjama sets to bed, which actually Brook introduced him too, but be never liked to admit it. He slowly laid back onto the ground, and immediately he fully relaxed, maybe it was because of Brook being next to him, or maybe it was because it was such a beautiful night and he had nothing to worry about. Just as Alex was about to fall asleep next to Brook, he jolted up as he heard a bunch of laughter from outside. He quickly crouched up to the top of the tree and peaked over the edge, seeing that everyone else was there, they had won! After he made sure that everyone had been found he lightly nudged Brook to get her up, and once she had finally awoken and gotten up, he cracked a tree branch so that all the groups attention were taken to them.
"Oi Lads, I think we just found our winnerrrrsssss" Iwan slightly whispered as he crept over to the tree. Once they got to the tree Iwan quickly climbed up the tree and smiled with relief when he saw Brook and Alex smiling back up at him.
"Jesus christ lads, we thought we lost you for a second" Iwan said as he grabbed Brook's hand to get her out, once Alex got out as well everyone started cheering and clapping as they congratulated Brook and Alex as the winners. For the rest of the evening the group danced, sang, drank and laughed as the night slowly drifted away. The only time when the group were sad was when they all had to separate, but soon enough everyone had said their farewells and were already on their way back home. But what will happen next? Will Brook and Alex figure out what's going on between them? And where will the group go on their next adventure? Guess we'll have to find out next time............

Hoi hoi hoi, so I've updated another chapter, and I hope you guys like it, even though nobody is reading this, but if you are let me know! Anyway I will be hopefully making another chapter soon :)

987 words

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