Ask me why my heart's inside my throat~

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19th of October

Ahhh there's nothing which is better than the start of a new day, right? I mean you get a new chance at surviving the day once again, and you get to see your mates! Now let's go and see how the lads of Cardiff are doing!

Out of all of the lads, Lewis was the first one to wake up, surprising right? Just as his alarm for 6 am went off, Lewis was up and awake ready to take on the new day and go for his morning Jog . Meanwhile, everyone else were still asleep in their own beds in their own houses, but nothing could stop Lewis from going on his morning Jog. The only main reason for Lewis going on his run was so that he could have some time to clear his mind, I mean there's so much that a casual Year 11 has to deal with, so to Lewis, going on a daily run was the best thing that he could do. It took him about 30 minutes to run around the village, but it was still worth it. Once he finally arrived back home he started getting ready for the hour of revision for the test which the lads had today. Shall we go and check on the others now?

By now all of the others had awoken, but none of them were dealing with the next day hangovers very well at all. Before we knew it, Brook was already calling Alex for the hangover remedy.

BrookTheBastard: ........Alex help me out here.

ALEXei: what's wrong love?

BrookTheBastard: Alex mate what did you say?

ALEXei: Uhhhhh Just forget about it, anyway what's the problem?

BrookTheBastard: Do you remember how to get rid of hangovers?

ALEXei: Well I'm pretty sure that one of them was eat a spoonful of mayonnaise, but another one is resting throughout the day.



ALEXei: Right, we have PE all afternoon don't we?

BrookTheBastard: uhh yes.

ALEXei: Well! We don't need PE do we, we can just catch up tomorrow! I'll come pick you up at 1:25 pm, wait by the art room, and then we can go, I'll even take you to Tesco's if you want.

BrookTheBastard: Alex....that's perfect. Thank you so much dude, I'll try and download more movies this time I swear!

ALEXei: Great, just remember to not stress to much about the Chem Test, I'll be right next to you, well on the opposite side of the room, but I'll still cheer you on!

BrookTheBastard: Thank you Al, I'll see you later, love you xxxx

ALEXei: Brook....I love you too x

For some reason, Brook felt a weird flutter in her stomach, but this only happened when she talked to Alex, oh well, I'm sure it's just nothing, I should probably just get ready anyway. In 10 minutes, she already had changed, had her bag packed and was fully ready to leave. As she was walking to school she couldn't stop thinking about what would happen later, would Alex be weird because she said she loved him? Would Alex just not show up? Oh well I'm sure it will be fine.

After about 30 minutes the lads had already arrived, and they were all weirdly stressed.
"Lewis, what's the answer to this?" "Lewisssss, I need help!". Oh yeah, did I forget to mention that Lewis was one of the smartest kids in the year? Thankfully the other lads all never asked him for help, but he was still bothered in class by all the other kids in his class.
"Lewis, take a break lad" his girlfriend Ella said while trying to take his book away from him, it was unhealthy how much he was revising. After a while of Lewis trying to reach for his book he finally gave up and plugged in his headphones to block out the noise.
"So what are you guys doing tonight then?" Iwan quickly asked.
"Nothing" "Nothing". Brook and Alex quickly looked at each other as they said the same thing again.
"Oi Oi, I'll let you lads be". Soon enough the bell rang showing that the revision lesson was over.
"Shit, well good luck guys, see you later everyone" Lewis quickly said before he rushed to get to his class. Brook and Alex both made their way over to the common room where they both had Chemistry, before you went in Alex quickly pulled you back and wished you good luck before going into the class.

Le Time Skip

Brook finally ran out of the class wanting the last lessons before lunch to be over straight away. After a while of running she finally made it to the shed by the sixth form building where she had double RS with Lewis, and since it was nearing the end of term you would probably be given free lessons. Brook walked into the room to see only Lewis and the teacher there, well of course she was early again. She quickly sat next to Lewis and tapped his shoulder to make him realise that she was there. Once Lewis finally took off his headphones he gave her a small smile and they went into their casual conversation about anything and everything. Once everyone arrived the teacher brought up the kahoot app and the double consisted of her and Lewis getting nearly every question correct. Once the double finished her mind filled with Joy knowing that she would be able to spend the afternoon with Alex, maybe she was falling for him after all. Once Brook and Luke had packed their bags they headed towards the common room where the lads all ate their lunch. Once they both arrived they could see that everyone was there except for Alex. As soon as Brook realised that Alex wasn't there she immediately panicked, shit, he wouldn't have ditched her would he? No, Alex is much better than that. Brook tried to relax and talk to everyone else but she only fully relaxed when she heard Alex walking in and sitting next to Brook. As soon as Brook saw him her eyes lit up, he really did make her feel a very very different way, which no one else had been able to do except him. After spending an hour talking and laughing the bell finally rang again showing that it was 1:25. Brook started heading towards the Art Room and soon enough she met up with Alex again. As soon as she saw him she immediately looked down so that he wouldn't see her smiling her ass off, but once she finally got to him she looked up and could see that Alex was smiling just as hard. Before he could say anything she engulfed him in a hug, Brook had been waiting all day to do this and now she was finally able too. After hugging for a couple of seconds she pulled away and looked up at him, and as soon as they locked eyes Alex grabbed her hand and started running towards he secret exit which only they knew about, and it was the perfect way to escape. As they both ran through the endless fields towards the nearby Tesco's, they both realised how much they had needed this, to be able to seem free and have no rules, this was really the life.

Holla Muchachos, so I'm incredibly tired right now so sorry if this seems shit, but I'll carry on with their adventure tomorrow:)

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