Chapter 16: Battle of Willpower

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The Hyper Beam hit me full force causing me to fall over. I weakly pushed myself up, but then fell over again. "(Y/N), are you alright?" Pippy asked running to my side. 'Yes, now leave me alone. I can take care of myself. Go protect Mareep!" 

Pippy nodded looking at me warily. He jumped in front of Mareep blasting Aggron with powerful water attacks. I could barely stay focused. My world was starting to get darker. I can't do this anymore. I'm going to die. But, if I'm going to die, I'm going to die trying to protect my friends!

I pushed myself up. I ran behind Aggron and used Flamethrower. 'You didn't think I was done, did you?' "Pest!" Aggron yelled spinning around, almost hitting Pippy with his tail. While Aggron was distracted by me I nodded to Pippy. 

Pippy understood and attacked. "Bubblebeam!" He yelled, but it wasn't a Bubblebeam, it was different. Aggron staggered and feel to his knees. 'Good job, Pippy! You learned a new move!' I exclaimed. "A Hydro Pump? Oh, Woah! I can't believe I did that!"

"Well, I believe you're going to pay for that!" Aggron roared. Despite my poison, I ran to stand next to Pippy and fired a Dragon Pulse. 'Did you seriously forget about me, again?' Aggron stood his ground against the attack. "No, how could I forget about you after the little stunt you pulled? Crobat!"

Crobat flew over and knocked over Pippy. 'Pippy!' I yelled. "Don't worry, (Y/N), I've got Crobat! You deal with Aggron!" "Yes, why don't you play with me?" Aggron taunted. "Why don't you let me put you out of your misery faster?"

Aggron called a Rockslide to fall on top of me. I staggered away barley dodging the rocks. I started panting. I know I wouldn't last much longer, but something inside of me is telling me not to attack just yet. Aggron used a slash attack on me. I staggered back panting.

'Just a little more,' I mumbled. "You want more, pipsqueak? I'll give you more!" He used Dragon Claw getting up close to me. After the hit, I smiled. 'I got you where I wanted.' "What?" Aggron asked. 'Bide!' I yelled releasing my attack. Aggron staggered back and fell over.

"Boss!" Crobat yelled. He had stopped fighting Pippy and flew over to help Aggron. "Wow, (Y/N), you're so cool!" Mareep said running over to me. Pippy walked over towards me to help support me. 'Let's get out of here,' Pippy said helping me towards the exit behind the giant doors. "Wait," Aggron said following us. 'What?' Pippy asked harshly preparing for a fight.

"Calm down. I just wanted to say a promise is a promise. Here take my Pink Diamond and Blue Pearl as gifts. I'm sorry that I accused you guys of being thieves. You guys are always welcomed into the Crystal Caves, as friends." Aggron smiled. 'Thank you,' I said waving goodbye as we left the cave. "Can I have these jewels to give to my sister as a Hatchday present?" Mareep asked. 'Of course,' I answered.


"Mareep, you dolt, where have you been!" Flaaffy asked hugging her younger brother. "I went to the Crystal Caves to get you a present for your Hatchday. I got captured by some mean Pokemon, but (Y/N) and Pippy saved me! Now the mean Pokemon are our friends and they said we could come back whenever we want. I got these for you by the way," Mareep said handing his sister the Pink Diamond and Blue Pearl. "They're beautiful, thank you so much Mareep, and thank you, Team Soul, for rescuing my little brother."

'It was nothing,' I said waving to them as they left the guild. Zeraora walked up to us. "Good job, (Y/N) and Pippy. I knew I made the right choice when I made you a Rescue Team." All the other teams crowed around us giving us their congratulations.

All of a sudden I started to feel dizzy. Oh right, the poison. I totally forgot. Now the adrenaline of the battle has worn off I can really feel it. I collapsed on to the floor. "(Y/N)? (Y/N), wake up!" I heard Pippy yell as his voice faded into the darkness.

Sorry about the short chapter. I've been really busy this week. The next chapter will be longer. Thank you guys so much for your support. I really appreciate all the votes and reads. They really encourage me to keep on writing. Thanks for reading! Bye!

 Thanks for reading! Bye!

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