Chapter 23: What Now?

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'What now?' I asked Pippy. 'Should we follow Riolu or should we take this chance to escape?' "I don't know. Can we really defeat Combusken and Riolu by ourselves?"

Pippy and I stood awkwardly in front of the hoop for a few minutes before Pippy said something. "I don't think we're strong enough to defeat them... I'm not strong enough."

I looked Pippy in the eyes for a few more moments before responding. 'Neither am I, but if we work together then we'll be able to stop them.' Pippy looked at me surprised before I continued. 'You're always stronger when you fight with friends.'

"Well said, (Y/N). Now hurry! Climb through my hoop while it is still open and save this world from the Evil One's power. Stop him before he awakens the Two Great Powers."

"What was that?!" Pippy asked surprised looking around for the voice. 'You can hear him too? I thought it was only me who could hear the mystery voice.' I say laughing, but then I stop. 'What do you mean by, 'you're hoop'? I thought you wanted me to save this world, yet you are helping the Evil One?'

"I don't want to help him! I'm sorry I should have told you a long time ago, but I didn't want you to distrust me! I needed your help!"

"If you're not a bad guy, then who are you?" Pippy asked glaring at the hoop. 

"My name is Hoopa. I was captured as I was bringing (Y/N) to this world. The Evil One minion wanted to use me to bring the Two Great Powers to him so he could force them to do his bidding. I am truly sorry for not telling you. Please do not let this world suffer for my mistakes..."

'It's alright, Hoopa. I forgive you. I promised I'd save this world and that's what I intend to do.' I looked at Pippy and nodded. 'Let's go beat up some bad guys, buddy.' 

"Thank you, (Y/N), you have the heart of a hero."

Pippy and I stepped forward through the hoop. I closed behind us. In front of us was the Ruins of Time and Space. Combusken stood at the top with a red chain in one of his hands. Riolu stood next to him, purple-red aura flowing from his body.

"Well look who finally decided to show up?" Combusken sneered. "I knew you'd come." Pippy and I glared at Combusken. "Well, I suppose you two would like to know why I'm doing this. Why did I go through so much trouble capturing Hoopa and the Three Spirits of the Soul to make this chain? Well, then why don't I tell. It's not like your going to be alive to tell anyone after this."

Sorry about the short chapter. I didn't want to reveal anything else until the next chapter. Again, thank you for all your support. It means a lot to me. Thanks for reading. Bye!


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