Part 11 < Feeling Unwell >

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Today I woke up and I am not feeling the greatest the room keeps on spinning so I decided to stay in bed. Blake then came into my bedroom as he was concerned but I told him that I did not feel well and he then said "I will let George and Reece know as they are downstairs" I then nodded. Blake then headed down the stairs and I laid there in complete silence until my door opened and Reece walked into my bedroom and sat beside me and then George joined me and Blake then came into my room and said "sorry about them" I then said "no it's fine as I was getting bored anyways" then Blake had an idea, we all went downstairs and began to watch some movies on Netflix and me and Reece snuggled up on the sofa and Blake cuddled into his girlfriend and I felt so sorry for George as he did not have anyone to cuddle so I told him to cuddle with me and Reece. 

Me and the boys began to get hungry so Blake then ordered some pizza and we were waiting for the pizza to arrive, and while the pizza was on the way I had to go to the bathroom. I then came back into the living room which was quiet then the pizza arrived and as we ate our pizza we then watched more movies. Blake and his girlfriend decided to go out and get some fresh air and George and Reece looked after me. Blake then came back on his own as his girlfriend had gone home and George and Reece then went home. Blake and me decided to make some funny tiktoks. Mine and Blake's parents came back home after their holiday away. It has been a bumpy day with me not feeling well but now I am feeling a whole lot better, Blake and I then ate the left over pizza and we decided to spend some time together and then we both were getting so tired so we then thought it was the perfect opportunity to fall asleep. 

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