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i closed my journal as i set it on the nightstand. zach's head was still cuddled up next to me. i smiled at how cute it was.
"get up sleepyhead"
zach's eyes fluttered as he rubbed them enough he'd probably see a galaxy.
"hi" he said smiling. his morning voice made him sound groggy. i kissed his forehead as we both decided to get out of bed. zach used the bathroom first as i fixed on my glasses which i hated but i had to see. i lost my contacts while on the road and it's been rough not wearing them. zach was brushing his teeth. as i turned on my toothbrush i caught zach glance at me a few hundred times each second. it made me smile that i almost choked on my toothpaste.
"pfft zach!" i whined.
zach laughed as he spit his toothpaste out and washed his face. he was the only one who could make me laugh at the most stupidest things ever.
"sorrryyy" he said patting my shoulder and exiting the room. he swung open the closet door as he through on something i didn't bother to. as i washed my hands i felt a sting on my arms. i looked down as i let out a deep breath.
don't look at them jack
i slid on a full sleeve crew neck as i fixed my hair in the mirror. i rubbed my eyes as corbyn walked in.
"morning" he said with a smile.
i smiled back. i rarely did that.
"someone's in a good mood"
i blushed.
"not that it's a bad thing. i love seeing you happy"
he said nervously. i let out a soft laugh hugging him and exiting the room. zach was already downstairs as i heard daniel laugh. that. that filled my heart up.
"morning stupids" i said.
everyone bursted in laughter as i walked up to jonah and squeezed him. at first his arms didn't wrap around me. i guess he was just confused that i hugged him without feeling like i was forced to.
"how are you?"
"i'm good" he said scrunching his nose.
i turned back to look at zach and daniel playing with their spoons. as stupid as it may seem i even joined in. i glanced back at zach as i noticed why he looked so happy. he was wearing my hoodie. the one that said avery on the back. it was identical to the one i was wearing which said zach's last name on it. i didn't even realize it until zach got up to put the dishes in the sink.
"i'd like to make a public service announcement"
corbyn ran down the stairs and almost tripped over his laces. i let out a small giggle. he didn't say anything at first. he just made eye contact with jonah for a while and then continued to tell us about something with the record label that i couldn't quite understand. i was busy licking off the rest of the cereal from my spoon. it wasn't even cereal. it was just small sips of milk. zach caught me in the middle of sipping it which made me laugh. milk spat out as zach laughed falling out of the chair. corbyn and daniel started laughing as jonah helped zach up.
"i...i ow my head hurts" zach said trying to catch his breath. for some reason none of us could stop laughing. even jonah started laughing at zach's stupidity and daniel grabbed a napkin so i could wipe my face. it was nice seeing everyone laugh. i mean it's been a while since we've all been happy. corbyn smiled at jonah who fixed up zach back on the chair like he was a statue. i couldn't read faces. jonah and corbyn were really good at it. they just knew people's expressions and feelings too well.
"so today is basically a break from the studio"
i threw up my hands in excitement.
"ok so can we visit the museum today?"
zach bit his lip.
"sure any specific reason?" jonah asked.
i glanced at daniel who smiled. daniel loves the museum. once daniel and i visited the museum when the boys were all busy and we woke up at 4 pm. yes 4 pm. we slept at 2 am lay off. ever since that day i think daniel wanted to lowkey own it because it made him happy. corbyn told us visuals always helped calm down anxiety, panicking so we took the opportunity. it was probably one of the most relaxing time and i wanted to take everyone to it.
"it has good visuals and it's really pretty"
"ok i call shotgun" zach said running to the garage.
the funny thing is we were using zach's car. we just made corbyn drive us everywhere.
"zach why can't you just drive for once?"
"because laziness exists!" he echoed down the hall.
i was making them happy. and that was probably the best and happy feeling i'd have felt in a while.

anxious | jack averyWhere stories live. Discover now