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i glanced down at the showers floor as the hot steaming water fell on my skin. my wrists stung as i fought back the urge to wince at the pain. it was painful. even though the scars were old. it just took me back to when i first did it to myself. i washed the last of the conditioner out of my hair as i heard the door click open.
"who is it?" i mumbled through the water's stream.
"it's just me baby"
zach's sweet tone calmed me down as i wiped my eyes turning off the faucet. zach grabbed a towel and poked it through the shower curtain.
"thank you" i smiled stepping out.
i grabbed a towel from above the countertop as i noticed zach's eyes trailing down to my arms. then to my back.
"are you ok?" zach said touching my back.
his hands were cold as i flinched from the reaction. zach's finger trailed down my arm and then down to my wrist feeling a scar on my upper arm and three on my wrists. i closed my eyes as he focused on them carefully. he noticed what he was doing and moved his hand away.
"i'm sorry-"
"no no don't be" i replied drying my hair with a towel as zach smiled. his fingers tagged at my hair styling it. i grabbed a shirt hanging from the back of the door and slid it over my head. zach stares at me.
he stepped closer to the point i felt his stomach touching against me. his arms went under mine hugging me loosely as i smiled. drops of water fell down to my shirt as zach twirled my hair in his fingers. his hair dampened as the water droplets fell on his head. he pulled away and opened his mouth to say something but i kissed him before he could. his lips were soft and his taste was sweet. zach's tongue shifted in my mouth as his lips pecked on mine and then on my cheeks. i pulled away as he looked at me.
"why'd you stop?" he questioned.
i bit my lip as i gave him one last kiss whispering in his ear.
"because corbyn planned something"
zach rolled his eyes.
"can it wait?" he whispered in my ear.
i shook my hand smirking.
"you'll love it now c'mon before jonah starts questioning why we've been in the bathroom for like 15 minutes"
zach grabbed my hand as we both walked down the stairs as i fixed the belt of my jeans. corbyn eyed it as i hugged daniel's side.
"what?" zach muffled through a muffin.
"what took you guys forever?"
zach shot a glance at me.
"nothing" i giggled.
daniel looked at zach's hair and then mine.
"did you guys shower together-"
"no! daniel!"
"i'm not going to say anything if you did i mean-"
zach elbowed him as he walked over to me.
"no we didn't shower together calm down"
i looked away from zach's gaze hiding the fact i was blushing crazily.
"jack we're going to a dinner and you're wearing a ripped shirt and zach take off the hoodie"
i looked down at the shirt i quickly had grabbed out of nowhere. it was corbyn's.
"fine i'll go change mom" i empathized as zach took my hand upstairs.
zach opened his closet pulling out various button ups and putting it against my chest. i wasn't really paying attention because i got lost looking at him because of the sun poking through the window.
"take off your shirt"
i shook my head returning back to reality.
zach looked up and noticed what he said.
"i-i meant for the-um you know shirt" he stuttered embarrassingly showing me the black button up he picked out.
i laughed as he looked back into his closet pulling a dark blue half sleeve button up and throwing it on the bed. i took off my shirt.
"jack do you-" he stopped as he stared at me. his eyes dangled down to my chest and then back up to my face. i threw corbyn's shirt on the bed as i pulled zach's waist close to mine. he gulped as i took off his shirt. he crossed his arms.
"zach don't cross your arms"
"but i don't want you to see my body"
i met with zach's eyes as he looked into mine. his honey pool eyes looked back down to the floor as he slowly moved his arms away. i glanced at his chest and kissed his shoulder.
"don't ever hide it from me" i whispered grabbing his waist again and pulling him close.
zach smiled kissing my lips one last time and picked up the shirt.
kiss me again. please.
i buttoned up zach's shirt as he did the same. i watched him carefully as he fixed every strand of my hair with the comb. he looked so focused. so cute. i just wanted to kiss him over and over again. zach looked up and softened his expression.
"what are you staring at?" he asked.
i smiled.
the pink tint in zach's cheeks grew as his hands cupped both of the sides of my cheek.
"you know if we weren't going to dinner i could kiss you all night" he said quietly.
should've said no to corbyn.
before i could say anything else i heard someone knock at the door.
"guys hurry the hell up" corbyn yelled.
zach quickly buttoned my last button as he looked around for his phone. he stopped looking at me.
"do i look fine?" he asked.
i looked at him up and down and smirked.
"you look really good i promise baby"
zach looked down again as his fingers interlocked with my hand. i opened the door to corbyn.
"great you look fresh. now hurry up" he said.
i laughed as zach jumped in the passenger seat and i looked around in jonah's car.
"where's daniel?" i asked in a worried tone.
"i'm right here sorry"
he opened the car door and sat next to me fixing his hair on his cellphone.
"zach seatbelt"
"fine" he groaned.
i laughed as jonah drove. i rested my head on the window glancing outside to the pink sky. the sunset was beautiful. almost as beautiful as zach.

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