Chapter 18

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Nobody treats me the same, and I'm now regretting telling anybody. It's only been a day. I haven't gone to school in fear for my life, and I have begged my parents to let me runaway. Or, move, because asking to runaway spoils the whole surprise of me disappearing by choice. No phony letters, or even videos. Because I have to stay.

As I shove a bite of icecream into my mouth it ices my teeth. As cold as the ice gets. From then on I just nibble on bits and pieces, the mint flavoring, and the choclate chips. Icecream is supposed to make you feel happy, but honestly it just makes me feels cold. And, flat... As if I have no feelings at all. I'm empty, and I'm full of emotions at the same time. My life could be one of the craziest roller coasters there could ever be.

I finish the last bites, and throw the bowl in the dish washer. No point in starting it now, when there are no others to be washed.

I am sick of moping around the house today, and there is nothing to do. I'd go for a drive, if I had a car. I have legs. Two of them. I could walk... But, I'm too lazy. Ugh. We'll see once I'm done taking a shower how I feel. Maybe cleared up?

I grab a towel from the closet, and a washcloth. Nothing special. I walk into the bathroom and turn the water onto warm water. Taking my clothes off I step into the shower, and drench my hair.

The now foggy room relaxes me, as I breathe in the clouded air. I'd stay in here for a while. I am sure the clean first... I rub the washcloth over my arms, revealing the scars that are never revealed. I'm so confused... When did I do this... and why? Nevermind that, though. Once I am done, I sit down. I am really quite light headed. My vision is switching from blurry to normal, frequently. I don't know what to do about it, but just sit there. Just when I think it is done, it gets worse. I start shaking, lightly, thank the heavens for that.

In Health, I learned this could possibly be signs of a seizure. Though, I'm not sure... Because I never studied for the test.


I wake up, in the cold shower. I'm shivering. When'd I fall asleep? Possibly when I had a freak out. The door sounds from downstairs. I push myself up quickly, and turn the shower off. I run to my room and changed into a aquamarine sweater with a smile on the front, and in the back says 'smile'. I through on some sweats I had gotten from America.

Running down the stairs, and making sure not to trip, I open the door. My face falls. Memories that seemed years ago, only just happened, returned to me once again.

"What do you want?" I try to break the silence, the eerie silence. Though, I knew what he wanted. My life.

"You squeaked, eh?" Greg pushes his way into the door way. I'm screwed. I'm dead. I have no escape... If I ran maybe, but I'd still fall or be tackled down. But, it has to be better then a tragic murder. My body laying lifeless, or even missing.

I ran out the door, and I hear him behind me. Reaching into the air but not getting me. I'm doing it! I'm not dead yet, or on the ground. I spot Niall's house not to far from here. And luckily, one of the many subjects I never failed was running. Though I had the last time I had tried to escape him.

I felt extreme pain in my stomach, I couldn't quit running though. I didn't even care to knock as I entered thier home. Who doesn't lock the door? I quickly locked the door, and turned to face Niall and Greg staring at me in horror.

"I'msosorryIdidn'tmeantocomeinteruptingandIwouldn'thaveifmylifewasn'trisked." It all came out in word jumbled up word.

"That's not it..." Niall gestured for Grag to grab the phone. Greg quickly dialled in a number, and examined me.

"You... You're bleeding." Niall runs over to me, and sits me down. I am now aware of the pain in my stomach only this time it's worse. I looked down, and realized something.

I have been shot.

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Agh. Don't worry all of this drama will be going away soon. I promise. I even hate it. Woahhh. -.-

Anyways... If you are bored or are just looking for awesomeness...

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