Chapter 13

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Hey guys, wow it's chapter 13 already? Crazy stuff. Okay well read on :) Oh I used Alesana's song In Her Tomb By the Sounding Sea because it's one of my all time favorites and it really fits this story.


Something... prickly.... on my face... what is it?! I snap my eyes open to Shawn's face pressed against mine, so it was obviously his stubble scratching me. I attempted to get up, but his arms where wrapped around my waist. 

"Hey Shawn? Wake up." I say and glance at the clock it was almost noon, how the hell did we sleep that long? "Shawn you really need to wake up, I don't think you need anymore beauty sleep."

"No." He groaned holding me tighter, "its too warm and comfy to get up."

"But we've been asleep all day." I argue trying to make him let me go.

He moves his arm from my waist to pin my arms down and I try to get free from that and fail, "Do you not want me to hold you?"

I stilled for a moment and asked, "Do you even know who your talking to right now?"

He pressed his face against my shoulder and neck then muttered, "Yes, but you didn't answer my question."

I shivered from his breath on my neck and gathered my sanity before replying, "N-no I never said I didn't want you doing t-that, but why are you? Who do you think your talking to? You haven't opened your eyes at all to know."

"Ashley, I always know when its you and I'm holding you because I want to. Is there something wrong with me doing that?"

"No there-there's nothing wrong with it, I just won-wondered." I stutter, then ask, "How do you always know when its me and not Mia?"

He lifted his head up and finally opened his eyes, blue sapphire stabbing into my very soul and said, "Because you feel different from her."

He reached up touching my hair, "For one your hair is a lot longer and not to mention thicker, so that's definitely noticeable."

I was curious now, "Is that all?"

He shook his head, "No, well this gonna sound odd but your softer somehow, I guess its because you're younger."

"Oh okay." Was my only response, what could I say to that anyway? Thank you? No that's way to weird.

He put his face back to my neck and inhaled through his nose, making me tremble again, then whispered, "And the way you smell... is the most noticeable of all."   

"What do I smell like?" I question, actually worried about what he was going to say.

"Weirdly enough... peaches."


"Yes, now that I have answered your questions will you go back to sleep?" He asked, his lips continually brushing my neck as he spoke, driving me wild.

"How are you still tired?"

"I'm not, I just don't want to get up." He explained.

"Well will you let me go so I can?"

"No." He said chuckling.

"Why not?" I whine, trying to pull myself from his grip. Damn, why am I so weak?

He smiled and gently placed his hand under my chin bringing my face up to his and murmured, "Because I'd rather you stay here with me. I promised you that I will always be there and I'm going to start doing that now, so you aren't going anywhere."

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