Chapter 4

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- Jimins Pov -

Jimin: pls hyung...

I said trying to hug him but he pushed me off him

Yoongi: I don't trust you anymore
Jimin: pls hyung... *Sobs* pls give me another chance...

We then looked at Y/n still sleeping but with a scared look on her face moving around the hospital bed

Y/n: n.. no pls stop...

She said to herself


I quickly went to her waking her up

Jimin: Y/n ah~ wake up...

I shake her shoulder to wake her up and she did.

Jimin: Y/n ah~ are you ok?
Y/n: i- I'm fine...

Her face frowned looking at me

Y/n: Jimin what are you even doing here?

She said in a cold tone

Jimin: i didn't want you left there on the floor
Y/n: so why didn't you leave me?
Jimin: i don't want seeing people like that I'm sorry Y/n about earlier I really am

- Y/n Pov -

He looked down with puffy eyes
I saw Yoongi leaving the room

Y/n: I forgive you...

I looked away with a cute frown on my face

Jimin: wait Y/n are you serious right now?

I nod head

Jimin: really don't play with me
Y/n: I'm not
Jimin: so tell me
Y/n: I forgive you ok?

He stood up filled with joy as he hug me making me shocked at his actions

Y/n: uhh.... Jimin?
Jimin: yah? Oh...

He broke the hug filling both of us with embarrassment

Yoongi came in knowing we where done talking

Yoongi: are you sure about this

I nod my head

Yoongi: ok then I forgive you Jimin but don't you dare hurt her again

He pointed two fingers in front of his eyes and point it to Jimin making Jimin scared

He pointed two fingers in front of his eyes and point it to Jimin making Jimin scared

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Jimin: o- ok hyung....

He gave him a thumbs up and Yoongi left

Jimin: you want to go somewhere?
Y/n: where?
Jimin: like buy an icecream or something
Y/n: I don't know I still have pain in my head... Wait why are you being so nice to me???

I ask as I stood up from the bed

Jimin: to make you feel better for what i did.. ever since now let's go to burger king instead?
Y/n: yes pls!

We went to the hallway of the hospital and saw the doctor

Doctor: oh Y/n right? You feeling better??
Y/n: yes I'm ready to leave now
Doctor: ok I'll see you guys soon

We both smiled as me and Jimin went out

- time skip -

We ran to burger king as i find a place to sit and Jimin was taking the order

As i was waiting i texted Jungkook

- On phone -

Jk: hey Y/n sup?

Y/n: nothing much just
Eating with a friend

Jk: then who is that?

Y/n: Jimin I'm with Jimin

Jk: .....

Jk: so your friends now...

Y/n: why is there something wrong??

Jk: no it's nothing I have to go

Y/n: why?

Jk: I uhh.. I'm just uhh.. too busy yeah

Y/n: oh ok you better
go then bye kookie!

Jk: Bye Y/n!✨

I turned off my phone and a thought came in my head

Y/n's mind: I feel bad i know he likes me I like him too but.. the
Memory of the past I just couldn't forget it I think he just needs time that's all

To be continued...

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