Not Who He Seems

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You could feel a strain developing in your neck the more you attempted to look for Finn on the mountain top.

The trip back to the cave went fairly smoothly, you successfully made it back without raising suspicion from the ice boy. However after a few minutes, said ice boy didn't come down to visit you for some small chat like he usually did in the past few days.

"Finn, you still up there?" you shouted in the mountain's direction, trying to get a good look at the top but it was becoming fruitless since the sun settled an hour ago.

It didn't take long for you to give up and head back into the cave, the cold humidity of the forest was starting to get to you and you'd rather wait it out in the cave that at least kept you warm. You walked towards a straw basket in the corner of the cave and retrieved the mushrooms and berries Hw helped you sort out earlier, you sat on your sleigh bed while munching down on the remains of your dinner "Why am I even looking for him? I have some time for myself, I'm suppose to feel happy." you tried to reason with yourself, noticing how lonely you were starting to feel without your family. The thought only served to give your food a bitter taste, placing the remains to the side since you no longer felt like eating. 'Food tastes better when you eat in company' or so your mother used to say. The feeling was becoming overwhelming, so you wrapped your makeshift blanket around yourself, raising your knees up to your chest with a sigh. Sleep felt like the easiest way to deal with it your feelings so you allowed the sand man to lull you in.

But there was something that company you into the dream realm, it felt menacing and it terrified you.

"Aren't you cold?" it asked the same question, you were even beginning to feel a déjà vu here.

Now that you think about it, it does feel pretty cold. You can even see your breath. "Whatever. Just leave me alone already!" you built the courage to shout at it. Whatever IT is.

"Not yet, that boy is the only one who can get the book that still exists in this world and with your connection to him. You can result useful... " it paused on that last bit, you can see those sickly green eyes staring back at you.

"What do you mean?"

Before you could receive an answer your eyes shot open at the sound of a thud, disturbing your sleep. It was still dark but the few fire flies in the room allowed you to distinguish the figure leaning against the cave wall.

"Finn?" you narrowed your eyes, trying to make out why he was leaning in an odd way.

"I... Heard you call princess... So I came here as fast as I could. " he pants, almost as if like he ran for miles with heavy weights on his back. In fact, the closer you approached him the more you started to notice just how exhausted he was. His platinum blonde hair was a mess, disheveled and sticking out in all directions, mostly covering his face.

"Finn, that was hours ago. It's the middle of the night, don't tell me you came here just now?" removing the blanket from yourself, you helped the boy take a seat at the edge of the sleigh bed you were recently sleeping on.

"Yeah. I had to come down here the old-fashioned way since my frost was acting up." he replied rather sheepishly, embarrassed even, but the way he said it was quite carefree. "But that's no reason for you to worry princess, I'm fine. Just look." upon noticing you ran out of ice for your water supply, Finn tried to show his abilities, however the motion was proving to cause a strain towards himself.

You can tell something felt off.

"Finn, stop that now." your voice came out more stern than you were expecting, much to Finn's surprise.

He gave you a wide-eyed expression before lowering down his hands like a scolded puppy.

With a sigh, you sat opposite towards the boy. Overwhelmed by something akin to a motherly worry, you reached out to press the back of your hand over his forehead, similar to the times when you used to check if your younger sibling had a fever. Just like you suspected, his body temperature was regular like room temperature water, which is really strange considering Finn has always kept a coldness of some degree from the few times you had physical contact with him.

I'm no Hero [Ice!Finn x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now