Dealing With Death

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Requested by: CharlotteluvsLife

Little note before we start, I have no idea why it took me so long to write this because I can put this out pretty quickly most of the time.

Anyway, dealing with death. It can be hard to write it realistically, because different people will generally deal with it differently and have different reactions to it. Today I'll be going over some of the more common ones.

The easiest way to write dealing with grief is by following DABDA. Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and Acceptance. Of course, there are plenty of ways to write each of these phases and I'll go over each of them.

Denial: Immediate denial would be the classic "No, they aren't dead, they can't be!". Denial can last for days after, the person not allowing reality to set in until they're at the funeral and see the person with their own eyes.

Anger: This could range from anger at yourself to anger at other people, or at a certain force. You could blame yourself for their death, blame someone else for their death, or blame a universal force like God. At this point, you'd be ready to fight anything, to lost in grief and aggression to think rationally.

Bargaining: This will depend on the fandom. Bargaining could be a simple "It should have been me" or a Supernatural "I'm selling my soul to get them back". It's the point where you're really missing them and want them back more than anything.

Depression: This is what you think of when you think of dealing with death. Crying, and lots of it. Maybe not just crying, but stopping your rituals to take care of yourself. Not eating, drinking, showering, so on.

Acceptance: The point when you acknowledge their death, and are willing to move past it and keep living your life.

Every person's journey will be different, and these phases could last a varying amount of time. Along with these could be other factors such as turning to alcohol, drugs, or deciding to go to therapy. This will also affect the process.

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