Relationships Formed in Fire

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Requested by: Maraudereternal

There aren't tons of circumstances where relationships are formed in really strange circumstances, but there are two that I can think of. So I'll go over those here.

Kidnapping: This is most likely a case of Stockholm Syndrome if the MC falls in love with their kidnapper. A good example of how relationships like this are would be Rapunzel and Mother Gothel (Not Beauty and the Beast, because that isn't Stockholm Syndrome!). I realize it isn't romantic, but it's still a good example. It's based off of fear and the idea that Rapunzel wouldn't be able to survive with Gothel. It's a mental reshaping. 

If the romantic interest is another escapee then a relationship will likely form because of trauma bonds. Relationships form quick and intense when the two people involved are under constant stress and fear. The two will be the only life lines to each other and that will form what's known as a "trauma bond" which is where they become dependent on each other to feel better and feel understood. These relationships can either last a lifetime because they get stuck in the headspace of "we can't live without each other", or break off when things become better again because it's a reminder of what the pair went through.

War/Could Die Scenarios: This is a bit similar to the trauma aspect of the kidnapping scenario. It's easy to form trauma bonds in war, especially if the pair sees people close to them die and they're some of the only ones left.

But beyond that, these types of relationships also become more serious more quickly, because the entire mentality is that they could die within a very short amount of time and they don't want to take things slow if it means missing out on something that could be amazing.

These relationships could be healthy and loving despite the circumstances or grow unhealthy because of the stress that the characters may struggle to cope with.

These types of relationships need to be written very carefully to match the message you're trying to get across just because the circumstances can be so fragile.


Overall, relationships formed under circumstances that push people together are on two sides of a spectrum. They're either lifelines or unhealthy. You have to pay attention to how you write it and where you want the relationship to go.

Hope this helped. Requests are open and so is general question asking. Byyyeee!


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2020 ⏰

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