Chapter ten

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End of Flashback

I heard footsteps approaching so I wiped away my tears and returned back into the bed.

He unlocked the door and came in tiptoeing which proved further that he had something to hide. I pretended to be fast asleep while he quietly shut the door and came to the bed.
I didn't feel his weight on the bed so I squinted my eyes to see what he was doing.  I turned to his side.

I saw him pick up his pillows and dropped them to the ground. He intended to sleep there. I couldn't keep pretending, I had to know why.

"What are you doing?" I queried.
My question got him worked up and he was hit with a surprise.

"You're awake." He said, changing the topic.

He slyly took the pillow off the floor and dumped them close to me.

"Yes, Eric. What is going on?"

"What do you mean?" He countered, playing dumb.

"I'm not stupid." I replied with an attitude, "Apart from the fact that you are acting strange and secretive. We haven't had our first night."

It was shocking that I was the one making the first move. As a young girl, I had imagined how I wanted my first time to be and now I was married yet I was still a virgin on the fourth day of marriage.

He sat on the bed, sinking in.
"Maisy, I want this as much as you do but I just have a lot on my mind right now and I didn't think you'll be the one begging for sex."

Even I was surprised. It wasn't like me to be so outspoken.

He kissed me goodnight and went to sleep. He was perfect at eluding my questions but I guess he had some truth in his words. My father was a Chief and had tons to do but compared to being a prince, He was a free spirit.

I closed my eyes to get my mind off it all then I heard a scratching sound. Like nails being scratched on a rough surface.
I remembered my 'ghost experience' and was forced to open my lids.

Out of nowhere, Inscriptions began to form on the mirror next to me.

I hadn't informed Eric about what I saw before because when I checked the mirror earlier, The writing was gone. I contemplated calling his attention to the gory sight  I was seeing right now but I was frozen cold.

I couldn't move, my eyes remained on what was being written on the mirror.
I didn't believe in ghosts and hauntings but knowing this was no prank was creeping me out badly.

The scratching stopped and the force made me read to the detail what was written on the glossy reflector.

There is still time

"Who's there?" I managed to mumble, Hoping whatever spirit was hunting me was at least a kind one.

The door opened mysteriously again. I didn't hesitate this time. I followed it's path without fear.
It led me back to the gallery and the door opened itself.
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.
Answers were within this room, waiting for me to find them.
I entered.

There was nothing spectacular about the gallery. Just a few paintings that didn't excite me but I kept searching. I was drawn here for a reason.
I discovered one painting was covered up and It seemed to be the biggest of them all.
I walked towards it. In the spare moments, I adored Eric's family painting which depicted his family. Him, His late mother who looked every bit the caring housewife, His father who had a scowl on his face and his brother.
They looked happy - minus the late King. Seeing him, I resented him Immediately. He had this mystery I could see in his dark eyes, A secretive nature in his proud stance, One that spoke of power and cockiness. If he was alive, I could tell I would hate his guts immediately.

I returned my attention back to the blanketed painting.

"Open!" The voices ordered and I obeyed.

The clothing glided off, coming to the floor in slow motion.
I stared at the painting in shock.
It was like looking in a mirror.
Right in front of me The picture depicted a noble me, One who wore her face with pride and knew power. It then dawned on me that it wasn't me. She might have my face but I knew me.
I peered down to see who it was dedicated to.

My jaw dropped when I read the words,

"To the beautiful Tatia..."



It's been days since I had sent Ewan to Nodith but I haven't gotten a reply nor had he returned. I was beginning to get worried. If only I had swallowed my history with the Kingdom and gone myself but just having those unpleasant memories was too much to bear.

I stood like a watchman guarding the path inti Nodith like I did since Ewan left.

After hours of waiting, I accepted my fate and turned to go. He surely wasn't coming today.

The galloping sound I made out made me turn for a split second.

Someone was there.

I could make out a moving figure rushing right in my way.

"Ewan, Is that you!" I yelled.

He didn't reply but the figure kept coming. When it was close enough, I saw Ewan in a pool of his own blood.
His horse was limping, it's right leg chopped off right at the ankle. A gory sight indeed.

Ewan dropped to the ground when he got to me. I went to his aid, Oblivious to what happened to him.

"What...what happened?" I stammered, torn on what I was to do next.

He had two deep gashes in his abdomen and It wouldn't stop bleeding. We were too far from the village and I was afraid we wouldn't even make it.

Ewan stared back into the woods where he had just popped put from. I could sense his fear.

I fixated my attention there, puzzled and just staring into the dark path.

An abrupt thump on the earth made me apprehensive. It sounded like something the size of an elephant was running towards us. The golden lights, two of them peering at me and getting bigger frightened me. Ewan sucked in air and struggled to free himself out of my reach.
My survival instincts kicked in and I put Ewan on my back.
The horse would be a liability to us if I took it along so I abandoned it. It would give us some time to escape.

"What the fuck was that!" I scrutinized Ewan as I madly took the trail back to the village. Hopefully, we would be safe there.

"Maisy..." Ewan tried to mumble but he was too weak to place the right words.
He was still bleeding in fact, My clothes were now drenched in his claret.

" in..." He continued trying to say in a drunken manner. He was slowly losing his pull on the mortal cord.

Don't give up on me, I pleaded and continued running but I had to stop seeing those auric eyes I had avoided peer right at me again.
The creature which I could not identify preferred to remain in the shadows where it could creep out but I would not be afraid.

Fear killed.

"Hey!" I snarled at the creature.

I noticed a thick liquid drip to the earth and knew we were doomed. A whole horse wasn't enough for the monster and now it wanted us.

The creature let out a roar that shook the earth and stunned me well enough for it to charge for us but then it was hit by showers of rainbow beams.

The creature yelped in pain and faced the being that dared disturb its dinner.

I did the same. My savior was a four-legged beast of burden, my wife's living Memento. Add a silver horn and radiating body.


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